Sunday, February 26, 2012

February 26 - Night

The thing I miss most about night where we live are the stars. Whenever I go home I just stare at the sky and all of the beautiful stars you can see from their sky. I know that it is the same sky as we have... with just a lot more light and pollution here.

Anyway, tonight I am relaxing. After the day I had today I should win some kind of award, probably the "best homemaker in the world" award. I slept in this morning, which was fantastic and then my day of homemaking started. I started the laundry, made lunch, dusted, Dan and I ran errands which included buying new tennis shoes and a new driver for Dan. We also went to the grocery store, Dan commented, "this is so easy with team work." I hope I've convinced him that he should regularly go to the groc with me. I then came home, made meals for the entire week (non of which have more than 300 calories), stockpiled the refrigerator...

I exericsed, spend an hour and a half cleaning out the closet, steamed the floors, swept the carpet... all just in time to sit down and drink champagne as Billy Crystal came on the screen. Here's to you Billy Crystal, in your first three minutes on stage you did better than lasts year's hosts.

I love Sunday evenings, Sunday nights, they are probably one of my favorite times of the week. Yes, it's kind of depressing because the next morning is Monday morning, but this the end to a fantastic day that we've shared together, we get to snuggle and just be, and there is usually something fabulous on television... even if it is just a spin-off of the Kardashian's.

Happy night, I hope wherever you are you get to see the stars... (even if they are just the people onscreen at the Oscars).


P.S. I just sobbed when Octavia Spencer won, love her, and that is my favorite movie of the year!

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