Saturday, February 25, 2012

February 24 - Inside Your Bathroom Closet

February 24th has been causing my anxiety since the day I read what each day in February was suppose to represent. I am a strong believer in the fact that closet and cabinet doors have a purpose and that purpose is to hide what is behind them.

Dan and I don't have a typical bathroom closet. When I think of bathroom closet I think of "medicine cabinet." Now this may be because of TV shoes and movies. The first one that comes to mind is Father of the Bride. He ends up falling in his future in-laws pool because he was found snooping in a medicine cabinet. But, we don't have anything like that in our house.

Anyway, our bathroom closet. We have two, one of which hides all the crap that we've accumulated and tampons, not that exciting, but if you are looking for something in particular this cabinet becomes a pain in the ass. There are things all over the place ranging from Dial soap to a curling iron that I haven't used since the fifth grade but seem to need to keep a hold of.

The second bathroom closet is more like a laundry shoot. It is a huge closet, more like a cupboard where you would hang things, but it has beautiful shelves that hold all of our towels, ( I mean ALL OF because I've refused to get rid of the mis-matched towels we owned before the days of a wedding registry, more towels just means less laundry I have to do every week ), some nic-knacks, nail polish, and our dirty clothes. It's a huge victory in the Hartman house if Dan actually puts his dirty clothes and socks in this cabinet, and when it does happen you would think the underdog in the World Series came back and won from being doing 3 games to 0. It's huge.

So here are our two closets. I'm pretty much just putting myself out in the wide open with these blogs this months, and I decided, "If they didn't judge me by the "inside your clothes closet" blog they aren't going to judge me by the "inside your bathroom closet blog." Here they are, I just decided to rip it off like a band-aid (which you will find in the first cabinet). The question is... will you share a picture of your bathroom closet??

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