Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dan's Home Office

Since Dan and I moved in together we've really gotten to know each other's habits, and I believe we are both honestly trying adjust our own habits to make life better for one another.

The past six months there are things that I've let slide. I now pick up Dan's clothes from the middle of the bedroom floor every night before I go to bed, because I know that if I don't, they could possibly stay piled up for weeks. And in the same six months he has decided that it's not worth asking me to take the cups of water sitting next to the bed downstairs everyday, because he knows that eventually, on Sundays, they will all get taken down to the kitchen.

But there is one thing that I just can't seem to let go, and that is having things laying around all the time... things not being in their "home". Currently Dan's golf clubs are in the guest bedroom even though I've told Dan over and over that they live in the garage. Mail is stacked on the kitchen table, and even though I make him go through it every single day and throw out the junk, the pile seems to still always be there. And at the end of the day, every day, I feel like I bring up at least six pairs of shoes from the front doorway. Dan knows it drives me crazy, and he genuinely apologizes when he seems me roll my eyes at the golf clubs in the guest room, and the stack on never ending mail on the kitchen table... So today, he was sure to warn me about the mess he had created before I got out of bed.

The past couple weekends Dan has been getting up early to work on his grad school work and his current job search. Fine with me, I really enjoy sleeping in the middle of the bed! This morning as I was waking up, he came in, asked me what we were having for breakfast, and looks at me and says... "Now Tracy, don't freak out, it's only going to be like this for the day, I promise."

I heard these words and I had no idea what to expect. So I got out of bed, brushed my teeth, and walked out into the living room to find... A Complete Home Office along with 60% of the products that are sold at Staples... and he hasn't left his little perch all day. He's been working hard, and as the day's progressed he has cleaned up quite a bit of the mess, but the printer is still there, churning out play books like crazy.

So I've spent my day cleaning around him and being his secretary, helping with his projects. And I've decided that I probably shouldn't freak out about this things that are out of place all the time, but I do appreciate the little warnings. I think it makes life a little more pleasant for both of us.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Not So "Blog Worthy" Blog

I know, I know, I haven't been posting like I used to, and I really just don't know what has gotten into me.

Maybe it's because I've really been trying to think about things for the wedding lately. Finding vendors in an area you are not familiar with is quite the task. Good thing I have Miss Mary Beth at the country club to send me good suggestions. But really, it takes up quite a bit of Internet time every evening.

Maybe it's because Dan and I have been spending more time together downstairs... which I love. We've taken the Christmas tree down weeks ago, but still haven't put the TV back downstairs. So when I get home we eat dinner and just sit and talk, which is nice, opposed to what we are doing now, sitting at opposite ends of the couch pecking away at our computers.

Maybe it's because American Idol started this week. I love this show, and it's definitely one that I turn all my attention to, computer is put away when this show is on.

Maybe it's because I've just been kind of feeling blah lately. I'm sure it has to do with the weather or my brain just being tired by the time I get home. As we speak (excuse me, type) Dan just had to repeat the same thing to me three times because I just couldn't register what he was talking about in my brain. I told him, with a blank stare, that something was wrong with me, he laughed and said, "at least you're finally admitting it." Right now I am just longing for Sunday when I can sleep in and not leave my house... all day!

Or maybe it's because my life just hasn't been very blog worthy lately. We've finally gotten into such a routine with our work and home life, so nothing to0 exciting has happened lately. Which to tell you the truth... does not bother me one bit.

So I'm going to go on with the rest of my week, preparing for a huge wedding at the restaurant this weekend, helping Dan prepare for a job interview for a head coaching position on Monday, picking out wedding flowers and cakes, working so hard to learn as much as possible at work before I take my test to become officially promoted, getting ready for my parents visit, enjoying a city that is so full of hype and excitement as we get ready for the biggest play-off game in the history of the city, and trying brave the sub-zero weather... oh wait... maybe my life has been blog worthy lately... I've just been to busy to think about it!

Friday, January 14, 2011

It Finally Happened...

... the thing that I've been fearing the most since I heard the words, "Public Transportation."

Let me just set the scene for you.

I was planning on leaving work early today, and I was just so excited! Getting on the early train means getting home at 6:15 opposed to 7:00. I know it's only 45 minutes, but to me, it's the world.

So at the end of the day things kind of went crazy. I had forgot to do something for one of the events this weekend and getting out at 5:00 just didn't happen. That's fine, whatever. But when I got out the door at 5:11, i was certain that I could still make the 5:28 train. So i did my normal routine. I called my mom and talk to her for a bit, quickening the pace just a little. I called Dan and told him wasn't sure if I was going to be home early but I was sure going to try. And then I hung up the phone, looked at my watch, and decided that I really needed to start booking it if I were going to make it.

The scene was something right out of a movie, I'm sure. I was running down Michigan Avenue. In my snow boots and ear-muffs, with a shopping bag full of things that I've accumulated at work... I was dodging in and out of people, going through cross-walks that had "stop" signals, dodging taxi-cabs, hitting tourists with my work and shopping bags, and I finally made it to the train station. I was at a full-on sprint by this time... There is probably a 300 yard straight shot that you have to take once you get underground from the stairs to the train platform and I probably set a new world-record at that distance.

I see the train... the lights are blinking... a see the doors starting to shut... I keep running... and the door slams shut just as I get there. I saw one of the conductors inside and I just start to bang on the window and she looks at me and says... "Step Away, Mam... The Train Is Leaving The Station!" I about died...

And so it happened. I sprinted for 4 blocks and 300 yards for nothing... only to be stuck there for another 28 minutes to wait for the next train... It's the first time, but I'm sure it's not the last. I am now just "that girl" that ran for the train and missed it... Not so much my favorite. But it's a pretty good story.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Today is my favorite day...

For Several Reasons...

1. I'm starting to feel better. Not 100%, I'd say about 65%, but i have energy, my voice works again, and I'm awake at 8:00 pm, much better than the rest of the week!

2. I had such a great day at work. I met two great clients that I'm excited to be working with. I met a "father of the bride" who really was quoting Steve Martin from the movie. The daughter was so embarrassed, but I just had to let her know that my dad has been quoting the movie for the last six months.

My dad's favorite quote is:

Steve Martin: "You're breaking up it sounded like you said $150 a head"
Franck's Assistant: "No,No"
Steve Martin: "Good, I was about to kill myself"
Franck's Assistant: "I said $250 a head"

This father of the bride's favorite quote (which he repeated a couple times today) was:

Steve Martin: "Oh, good, who else can we ask not to eat? My Parents? Your Mother?

The bride I am working with was glad to know she's not the only one out there dealing with a true life "Father of the Bride" (which by the way is one of my favorite movies!)

3. Dan surprised me with by bringing home a bottle of WHITE wine, which means not only did I get to enjoy wine with dinner... I could bring it upstairs. As much as I love red wine, I may be switching over since it is "white fluffy carpet friendly."

4. There is a new Grey's Anatomy on tonight! I've been waiting weeks for my shows to be new since the holiday season... so tonight's the night!

5. It's Thursday... which only means, tomorrow is Friday. This is the first full week I've worked in the past two because of Christmas and New Year's, so it's been a long week yes, but I'm excited that tomorrow is the end of the work week and we have the whole weekend to put our house back together.

So Happy Thursday Night, everyone!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I'm Sick...

my nose won't stop running, my eyes won't stop running. My cough gets worse as the day goes on, and all I want to do is lay in my bed. I'm on a cough drop and hot tea diet and I'm sure I've grossed out quite a few people on the telephone today with my awful voice. Dan is being a doll, picking up things for me at the drug store, making things for dinner that aren't hard to eat, and understanding that as soon as I get home I want to go to bed... But he's no Grandma Hornbach.

Today as I was riding the train home, I felt so awful all I wanted to do was end up on Grandma Hornbach's porch, still in my pajamas with my blankie in tow and have her take care of me for the day. Being sick when I was little were honestly some of my favorite days, because I got to spend them at Grandma's house. She would let me in, shoo my mom off to work, and a magical day would take place. She'd wrap me up in blankets and wrap a scarf around my neck. She'd bring me tea and the most fantastic chicken soup. We'd eat popsicles and watch The Wheel of Fortune and we'd take naps. In the afternoon I would always miraculously feel better. So much better that we would walk over to Widolff's to get a treat and we always ended up baking something. I was always sad when mom came to pick me up, because I knew she wouldn't let me be sick two days in a row!

Grandma Hornbach, as I've mentioned before, is one of the top three ladies I've ever known. I've been thinking a bout her a lot lately, and I'm sure it's because I wish she were here for the wedding. Grandma was the epitome of all Grandma's and taught me so many important things. Like how to roll out a pie crust and how to transfer it into the pie pan just so, she taught me how to use a Kitchen-Aid mixer without getting my hair or a fragile spatula sucked into the blade, she taught me how to do dishes correctly (you always wash the glasses first!), and how to properly clean the sink when you are done (with Comet). I like to wear dresses most days, and I'm sure the reason behind that is because I never saw Grandma in pants. But most importantly she taught me how to take care of people by her example. I feel like she'd do anything for anybody and she lived to take care of us. Maybe that's where I get my love of hospitality from.

There are times I think about Grandma and just cry, mainly because I wish she were here. But she will always be with me because some of the best memories I have from growing up include her. She was such a special lady with such a special family and she is definitely missed every single day.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Maybe Next Year...

2010 came and went and on the Eve of New Year's we made this fantastic Corey Smith song our anthem.

"Times are a changin and I'm still the same
Ol' son of a bitch in the wind
I act like I did back when I was a kid
But it hurts more than it did back then
I go out on the town and make a fool of myself
I run around with the same rowdy friends
I get drunk and obnoxious
And wake up the next day swearing I'm never drinking again
My grandma still tells me enough is enough
Life ain't a game son, its time to grow up

Maybe next year I'll start acting my age
Turn a new leaf over my wicked ways
Get a real job and start pulling my weight
Only 365 days until I change my ways "

Maybe Next Year...

So Here's My Version...

Maybe Next Year,
I'll see my friends and family more
Maybe Next Year,
We'll find a church for ourselves

Maybe Next Year,
I won't drink until I'm sick
Maybe Next Year,
I'll put some money in the bank

Maybe Next Year,
I won't be a bridezilla
Maybe Next Year,
I'll enjoy one of the best days of my life

Maybe Next Year,
I'll throw more dinner parties
Maybe Next Year,
I'll make some friends in my town

Maybe Next Year,
I'll clean up my mouth
Maybe Next Year,
I'll exercise more

Maybe Next Year,
I'll cook more for Dan
Maybe Next Year,
I won't take so many naps

Maybe Next Year,
I'll start appreciating things more
Maybe Next Year,
I won't complain so much

Maybe Next Year...

Happy New Year, Everyone!