Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Letter to my Brother...

So this isn't going to be one of my four letters, but I just feel the need to write it to John, and share...

Dear John,

I am so sorry that I haven't called or even texted you to see how you are handling everything that has happened at home, but it just hurts me too much. It brings back so many memories for me, and it's hard. I know that I shouldn't be like that, so I am getting out my feelings the best way that I know how.

It's not easy losing someone that is your own age, someone you grew up with. When I heard the news I honestly thought of you right away, because I know how it feels to get that news... that one of your peers is gone.

Even if you and Jacob weren't the closest of friends in the recent years I know that it is hard because the group of kids that you start elementary school and CCD with are your first friends which always hold a special place in your heart, and to lose one of those friends is unlike anything else you can experience at such a young age. And I'm sorry.

In high school I loved coming home from CCD and having you tell us what funny or obnoxious thing Jacob A. did that day. From your stories I could tell he was the class clown and that he always would be. But I still remember him at Girl Scout camp, and I still remember him coming trick or treating at our house and I just remember his smile and the joke he was telling. He was a special kid.

I know it's hard and I'm sorry that you and your classmates are going through this. I know all too well what it feels like and I hate to say that it won't get much easier very soon, especially when you are back with that group of people that Jacob A. was such a part of.

Honor Jacob, Don't Take Anything For Granted, And Be Your Best... this is what I hope you take away from this tragic situation.

I love you,


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Letters, Part 2

The apology. This is always the hardest to do. In high school I was known for making "I'm Sorry" cards because it was too hard for me to apologize to some one's face... so I made them a card. I don't know what it is about me, probably my pride, but I hate apologizing. But after the phone call I had this evening I've never been more ready and able to make an apology.

Dear Dillon,

It was so good talking to you tonight. I've missed your sweet little, so excited about life, voice. But talking to you tonight made me so sorry that I am not more of a part of your life. It kills me that I don't live right down the street from you. I am so sorry that I don't get to see you every week, have dinner with you, pick you up from Miss Cindy's and take you on adventures, see your new Spiderman bedroom,  or help you get ready for your new baby sister. But most of all, I am so sorry that I am going to miss your birthday party next weekend.

I so wish that I could be there but with my work schedule, I can't, and I apologize. I want to be there with you to eat pizza and see you be the star in The Chuck e Cheese Show. I wish I could buy you the pinata that is full of tickets and tokens and see you bust it open with all your little friends. I wish I could actually bring your present to you on your birthday rather than send it in the mail like I usually do, and I am so sorry.

The upside of all of this is that I cherish every single second that I do get to spend with you, but it is not enough. I miss seeing you grow and I miss being a huge part of your every day life. You are my little man, and I love you more than I ever thought I could.

You make me nervous to have children of my own because I'm not sure if they could ever be as smart or as cute or as wonderful as you, but eventually, I will, because I want you to have little cousins to share life's adventures with.

I love you, and I'm sorry, especially sorry that I'm going to miss your 4th Birthday Party.

Enjoy, Dillon, I can't wait to hear all about it.


Aunt Tracy

Our First Little Photo Together. I can't believe it's been four years.

Happy Birthday, My Sweet Nephew


Friday, September 28, 2012

The Letters...

Tonight I watched the finale of Top Chef Masters. The past two years, as I've worked in a restaurant, I've really become interested in food. I love food, and I'll try anything that is put in front of me, because I don't want to miss an interesting flavor. I love reading about food, watching food shows, studying menus, and looking things up in my food dictionary. Food, not just eating, is such a joy for me and I've come to think that chefs are some of the most interesting, artistic, and talented people that I know.

So tonight, I absolutely loved the final challenge for the Top Chef Masters. They were to cook a four course meal... to coincide with a four letters. They could cook anything they would like, but they had to go along with the stories that the letter told. Two of my favorite things, writing and food. (Being a food critic has become my new dream job), The letters they had to come up with...and cook... were:

A Love Letter
An Apology
A Thank You
A Letter To Yourself

And I've decided that I wanted to write these letters. My thoughts and feelings have been so sporadic and all over the place lately, and these types of things can become very personal, so I think I can only write one letter at a time. So we will start with the love letter... and go from there.

Dear Dan,

There are some things that I just don't know how you tell you, and how much I love you, may be one of them. I also don't know if I've ever told you that I truly, truly believe in love at first sight. I remember the day like it was yesterday. A Friday in April, I had just aced an exam that I drug myself to hung over as hell, I was wearing blue jeans and a maroon and cream striped, really low cut shirt, and I saw you. I walked into the house on Lawn Avenue and suddenly locked eyes with you. You were sitting on a bar stool, wearing blue jeans and a black and white button up shirt, and I fell in love with you. Our story started that night, and now you are soundly sleeping next to me.

Since then we've had quite the story. Many, many adventures. Many high points, a hand full of low points, and just enough drama to keep in interesting. But the story is just beginning.

And that's the best part.

You're my one true love. You make me happy and you are the person I dreamed of being with for my whole life since I started dreaming about my whole life. I don't think that I could ask for anything else and I am so proud of the life we are building together.

When we lived in different cities we used to text we'd text each other, "I love you today," and I know we tell each other now, at least twice a day, that we love each other, but I want you to know, that when I say it half asleep in the morning, in a text, or in passing in the evening as we are brushing our teeth or pulling up our blankets, I really love you.

To the moon and back,


That first night, it even looks like, Love At First Site.
What a difference five and a half years can make...

Monday, September 24, 2012

It's Here...

Towards the beginning of every school year there comes three nights when Dan sleeps out on the couch because he is too sick to lay in bed, he props up every single pillow (but mine) that we own and makes himself a little nest. He gets orange juice, the remote, and a pile of tissues to help him make it through, and miraculously, three nights later, he's better. Tonight is night one.

So for me it's usually a restless night. Yes, I greatly enjoy sleeping in the middle of the bed and taking control of all of the covers on the bed, but to hear him out there coughing and blowing his nose is something that could wake anybody up. So we're in for the long haul.

He blames it, of course, on the colder weather. But it's that cool weather that I love. I love waking up in the morning and snuggling for just a few more minutes before I run really fast into my nice warm bathroom, I love walking briskly to work and enjoying the breeze instead of the sun and heat beating down on me, I've liked running outside with the sun setting and being able to see the leaves start to change. I love that we spent Saturday night, outside, watching the football game while sitting next to the fire, and making pot after pot of coffee on Sunday, just because it was all day coffee drinking weather. Oh, and how could I forget, I love drinking Octoberfest and making pots of chili.

So we will take the good with the bad. I know that in three night Dan will be in tip-top shape, just in time for the Friday night game, and I'll start digging out my scarves and puffy vests... because those are two of my favorite things.

Happy Fall...

Monday, September 17, 2012

"I Just Kept Running"

As I mentioned yesterday, last week was quite the week. Dan and I schedules couldn't have been more off and when I did have a day off during the week it was spent running all around town getting things done that I have been neglecting for weeks.

Finally, on Sunday, I had the most enjoyable day, as we were making our trip from the city I mentioned to Dan, "I have the most fantastic plans laid out for the day," he quickly replied, "You're going to take a nap right when we get home, right?" I replied, "Absolutely, but I may also go for a little run."

I've really been enjoying running on the trail outside our house lately, before the past couple of weeks I've been a slave to my eliptical, I was reading the most fantastic book, so the eliptical allowed me to workout and read for a half hour every day, but the book ended and my love of working out inside ended... so I'm back to Dan's old school iPod and the trail. I've been running 2-3 miles a day, and today I set out for 2.5 miles, but I had a Forest Gump moment and I just kept running.... It might have been because of the beautiful weather or it might have been the mix of really classic rap music that I heard on Dan's iPod or it could have been the guy in really short shorts running in front of me, but every 1/10th mile marker I passed I wanted to keep going, and finally I quit after 3.6 miles.

Now I probably looked like this while I was running...

But I felt like this...

And I'm going to continue. I've decided to put it all in words so it holds me accountable, and my goal, by Thanksgiving is to be running 6 miles on the weekends. So here goes nothing... let's hope, in the theme of Forest Gump, that Shit DOESN'T Happen to steer me away from the goal.


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Funday

It's been quite a week, full of irregular schedules and running around like crazy. It really is true, when it rains, it pours. So I was so thrilled when Dan told me he would get a hotel room for us downtown yesterday afternoon. I had a wedding last night and an after wedding breakfast this morning, so being able to stay in the city was really a treat.

We had a great late night dinner last night and it was one of those fantastic city evenings, the ones that always makes me want to downsize completely and move downtown. There is nothing like walking through the city late at night with fall like weather...

Anyway, after I got off work today Dan met me and we went to brunch. We went to Ditka's because we couldn't think of a more wonderful place to have yummy food and watch some football games, it was the perfect spot. If you've never been to Chicago, I would highly suggest the trip just to have a bloody mary from Ditka's. Brace yourself, here comes a "Favorite Statement"... It was my favorite Bloody Mary of all time. And here's why:

Yes, you're seeing that correctly, the garnish was a tomato, a shrimp, a banana pepper, an olive, an onion, what I think was summer squash, and a lemon... HELLO! Throw in a salt and peppered rim and a side car of pale ale and you have a winner. And I don't think they could have had a more "made for Tracy" brunch dish. I had a BLT Avocado Wrap with lettuce, tomato, avocado, bacon, runny eggs, and cheese. It was delicious and with Dan and RGIII in my company I couldn't think of a better afternoon.

It's been a good day. I nice ending to a kinda crazy week. So here's to next week, Cheers!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Love Affair With Cape Cod

Dear Cape Cod,

Do you remember me? We spent three glorious days together in July. You shared so much with me and I just haven't been able to get your beauty out of my head.

I've never been welcomed anywhere with more open arms and as soon as I crossed the boarder into your little town I felt like I was home. You have some of the nicest people I've ever met in your possession and do they have the most glorious accents, or what? It was such a pleasure being in your company and our time together, I will not quickly forget.

You are just so charming. Each little town we drove through was better than the one we just visited, you kept providing more beautiful beaches and even quainter restaurants and store fronts as we drove. I just needed more time to explore every nook and cranny of your being.

You really do have it all. Beaches, baseball fields, sunsets, marinas, tennis and golf clubs, beautiful houses, even more beautiful boats, talented, hilarious people, family owned shops, walking paths, and the Kennedy's. I've never seen something with so much character.

And your food. Can you come up with anymore ways to serve lobster? It was a joy eating every single meal, drinking every Cape Cod Brewery Beer, and falling in love with your clam chowder. Every meal was an adventure in itself and I'll never look at the seafood in Chicago the same way.

But the true highlight for me... were the hydrangeas. I've never seen anything like it. I was amazed, shocked really, at how beautiful the flowers were and how meticulously they were taken care of, and I don't care what anybody else says...

 I hope heaven smells like Cape Cod.

If it were up to me I would just come and stay with you for the rest of my life. If it meant living off the land and earning my keep by making clam chowder every day, I would do it. I would hope to pick up the accent and the charm, but I would ask for nothing else. You're a dream.

I hope to see you soon.



Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Pigeon and The Statue

You know signs that you see plastered all over the walls of Jimmy John's... yeah, you do, the ones that say things like "No Shirt, No Shoes, No Problem... We Deliver" and "Your Mom Wants You To Eat Jimmy Johns" Well today while I was picking up our dinner at 9:13 pm I saw the one that said,

Not Every Day Is Sunny
Sometimes You're The Statue
Sometimes You're The Pigeon

And I couldn't think of a more wonderful sign to be hanging in a place where I just walked my disheveled self into to pick up two sandwiches and a bag of chips at some god-awful, you should be in bed already, time of the night, knowing you're just going to go home and eat the sandwiches cross legged on the floor without a plate, crumble up the sandwich paper and just let it sit there.

Long story short, today I was the statue. From the very start of the day, when I couldn't drag myself out of bed to exercise before work, I was the statue... Now I hope I was a gorgeous statue with long flowing hair, but I have a feeling I wasn't. It was just one of those days when there aren't enough minutes in an hour and every time you get your list checked off there is another new list to be made. And I realized, the biggest problem with being the statue is that you're stuck, you're stone, and there is no way of getting out of the situation that you are in... you just got to ride it out.

So here I am, feeling like I'm covered in pigeon poop, ready for this day to be over. And soon it will be, and tomorrow will be a new day... I just hope tomorrow I'm the pigeon.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day... More Like Groundhog Day

For week's Jill and I have been counting down until Friday, August 31st, because that would be the day we both traveled home for the first time since May. The day finally came and we excitedly called each other in the morning and we just couldn't wait to get home. I finally arrived at 12:17 am, Momma Jill was barely awake on the couch, but everyone else was awake, and it was a glorious feeling to be at The Horstman House to celebrate The Labor Day Weekend. I mean... Groundhog Day.

It started Saturday morning, we woke up, started drinking coffee, Dillon wanted to watch "Finding Nemo" and have a waffle for breakfast with siri-up (This is the one word Dillon says incorrectly that we are not allowed to correct because Jill thinks it is too cute). He directs Grandpa exactly where to put the siri-up and then it must be cut up. So Grandpa cut up his waffle, very meticulously, with a fork, and says, "I don't know why your Grandma won't give us a knife." He finishes the waffle, we all speak whale along with Dori from Nemo and then he asks for another waffle. The routine with the siri-up begins again, the rest of us eat breakfast, and then Dillon asks if we can take a walk to see Buddy and Doser (the neighbor dogs, and the second one's real name is Dover, but again, it's too cute so we don't correct it). We get dressed go outside, Dillon picked a bouquet for Jill (I asked him why I never got flowers and he simply said, "You're not my mom") and we went about our day.

Now this would be a fine Saturday morning, and we sure did enjoy all being together, but then it happened again on Sunday. I was honestly feeling like Bill Murray.

Woke Up. Coffee. Nemo. Waffle #1. Siri-Up Instructions. Wondering Why Grandma Won't Give Them A Knife to Cut the Waffle. Speaking Whale. Waffle #2. Breakfast For Everyone Else. Wanting To Go See The Neighbor Dogs. Dressed. Go Outisde. Jill Get's Flowers.

And you can see where this is going. It happened again on Monday. Like clockwork.

Woke Up. Coffee. Nemo. Waffle #1. Siri-Up Instructions. Wondering Why Grandma Won't Give Them A Knife to Cut the Waffle. Speaking Whale. Waffle #2. Breakfast For Everyone Else. Wanting To Go See The Neighbor Dogs. Dressed. Go Outisde. Jill Get's Flowers.

Luckily for the sanity of all The Horstmans the afternoon played out a little bit differently each day. Still kind of Groundhog Day, each day revolved around family...aunt's, uncles, cousins, and friends... funny stories, cooking, drinking cocktails, eating really delicious food, watching it rain, and really bad-for-you late night snacks. And it was fabulous. I just keep thinking next time we are all home Baby Chloe will be along with us, and I'm sure with a new baby each day won't be the very exact same.

Watching Finding Nemo, I really forgot how cute of a movie it is.

I just love home cooked breakfasts and the delicious fried eggs sandwiches that are a fixture at The Horstman House

Flower bouqets for Jill. Two of the days she got really pretty wildflowers that were found across the street, but on Saturday... it was dandelions.

Dillon and Buddy, he really loves this dog.

There is nothing like going home, but I did miss Dan and it's nice to be back to our little house and our little lives... that aren't the exact same every day.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Top Five...

On the eve of going to Trenchermen, which is a restaurant that was recently opened by our former chef at The Signature Room and his brother, I bring to you... "Dan and Tracy's Top Five Meals of the Summer."

Now I am so very excited about going to Chef Pat's new place tomorrow, I've been anxiously waiting since he told us the news that he'd be leaving to start this new adventure. I've never been to a restaurant where I knew the Chef before, unless you count Fernando at "Harry's" or Paul at "Paul's Bar." I'll have a full update this weekend, but for now we happily, and with our mouths watering look back on our favorite meals of the summer. In no particular order...

Shack Out Back Raw Bar, Hyannis, Cape Code

This was the most fabulous outdoor beach bar that served freshly shucked oysters, sushi, and lobster rolls, lobster tails, lobster salad, lobster anything. We spent the Fourth of July here and enjoyed every minute of our stay. Since we were there the majority of the afternoon and didn't want to give up our spot for the fireworks that we taking place that night we drank and ate our way through almost the entire menu. I made it my mission, while we were on the East Coast, to eat a crab cake a day, and this I did. At the Shack Out Back I had a crab cake sandwich that was as big as my head, with the largest chunks of crab I've ever seen. And Dan, Dan ate a $19.00 grilled cheese sandwich... filled with Lobster. I've never seen a happier guy in my life, and he wouldn't even give me a tiny little bite of his sandwich.

~Insert Honorable Mention Here... The Black Cat, owned and operated by the same people that own The Shack Out Back. We went here for our dinner the second night in Cape Code. I had lobster raviolli and Dan had a burger topped with friend oysters. It was very good, but the reason it made it to our honorable mention list was the entertainment. The owner of our bed and breakfast sent us there because Erica was singing that night. She was amazing. As our dinner was ending she broke out with "I Will Always Love You" and I was crying by the end of the song. Dan gave the lady a standing ovation, and every time I hear that song I now think of Erica and the glass of pinot grigio I was drinking and the carrot cake with the most delicious whipped cream cheese frosting Dan was enjoying~

Little Italy, Boston, MA and New York City, NY

I'm combining these two into one because they were both wonderful meals in great atmospheres with delicious wine and true Italian men as our servers. Little Italy, anywhere I believe, is a treat in itself, just to walk through. In New York, Dan and I could hardly decide which restaurant to go into for dinner, but we decided on one because the sign promised a 100 seat outdoor patio, and that patio delivered! You wouldn't even believe that you were in the middle of the city on this patio and the food... delicious. From the fresh bread to the red sauce that was almost silky it was all top notch. Dan enjoyed the Little Italy experience so much that he wanted to try Boston's. I have to say, I enjoyed Boston's better. Some friends that we made at The Shack Out Back suggested the place we go, it was off the beaten path, and I'm sure we wouldn't have found it, but the search was worth it. At this place they took us to the basement to dine. It was so dark down there and romantic. We ate at this tiny little table and drank red wine. There was so many fantastic looking things on the menu... I couldn't decide. So, believe it or not, I went with the safest thing on the meanu, Lasagna. It was the best decision I made the entire trip. It was so good, I almost cried, literally. I would pay for a plane ticket right now to Boston to eat this lasagna again. But wait, that's not the best part. Just down the street is this place called Mike's Pastry. This place is famous, it's a little pastry shop that churns of cannolis all day long. I don't like desserts, but these were definitely something to write home about. Any trip to Boston would not be complete without a trip to this little joint.

The Lobster Shanty, Wellfast, Cape Cod

I know, I know, you are probably getting tired of East Coast dining experiences, but I just loved this little place I made Dan pull into. I wanted to eat lunch here because of the yellow awnings on the joint. Little did I know about the treasures inside. Upon arrival I, of course, asked if we could sit outside. We were taken to the beautiful little yellow picnic table, which Dan quickly looked at and decided he wouldn't fit in it and we had to be moved to a different, bigger table, but I quickly noticed that the ground was covered in shells, just like one of my favorite places in South Carolina, Pepper's Porch. We checked out the menu and I couldn't believe my eyes, lobsters were $16.00 per pound. You have got to be kidding me. Dan quickly ordered a 1 1/2 pound lobster with all the fixins. I got the biggest bowl of clam chowder and the crab cake appetizer... with the hopes of half of the lobster tail. Did our little yellow awninged road side stop deliver? Absolutely, just like every quality road side lobster shanty should. The soup, delicious, the crab cake, perfectly cooked with a spicy aioli on the side, and the lobster, huge and intimidating since I can't say we typically eat whole lobsters, but the tail and the claws were well worth the struggle.

Ertle's Winery, Batesville, Indiana

We put this one on our list because it was so unbelieveably unexpected. I've been hearing about this place for quite some time, but never have gone. Finally, I asked Dan if we could go with his parents when we went to visit in the early summer. They gladly took us and it was such a trip. They had a great bottle of Cabernet and we were in luck, it was Friday evening so a buffet was in full force. I couldn't decide on one menu item because I wanted to try so many different things, so I went with the buffet. I couldn't believe the types of food I was seeing. There were delicious cold salads including a beet salad, tomato and mozzarella, and a seafood salad. There was a roast beef carving station, a made to order pasta station, and the chef was also making sesame seared tuna to order with seaweed salad on the side. There were crab legs, fried oysters (which to me, always taste like heaven), and many different kinds of fish. Oh, and the jambalaya, that may have been my favorite. I was so pleasently surprise with this place and can't wait to go back for a Sunday brunch in the near future. But just to add to the amazing experience, the location. It sure did take us a while to get there, but it was beautiful and quiet and walking through the grapes sure was nice.

Red Seven, West Lafayette, Indiana

We both totally agreed that this was one of our more enjoyable meals of the summer, not so much because of what we ate, but because of the company. Now I do have to say the cocktails were delicious and everyone really enjoyed their meals. We had these really yummy potato skins with spicy pulled pork piled on top... hello! But having Kaitlin and Adam meet us half-way between our homes was such an amazing treat. I so enjoyed seeing them both and all of our conversation. It's nice talking to another married couple that is our own age and experiencing some of the same things. These two are such fantastic friends and I wish we were closer so we could meet in the middle more often. Definitely a meal that I remember when I think about our summer.


Here's to many more fabulous meals and more top 5 countdowns to come, you know I love a good Top 5. Cheers

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Our First Anniversary

Since I missed so much this summer, I thought I'd go back and recap on a few big events, and I can't think of a more exciting milestone that we shared this summer than our first anniversary.

Dan and I strategically planned our wedding date to be the week of the Fourth of July so that Dan would always have the week off from football and I would easily be able to take time off of work. So for our anniversary we planned the most fabulous east coast trip.

On July 3rd we woke up in New York, and I told Dan, "Happy Anniversary!" He quickly replied, you can't say that until 5:30 pm. So we went about our day. We had to most fabulous visit to Cental Park, relaxing and playing "Momma or Nanny" and "Dogwalker or Dog Owner." Believe it or not this can be quite the game in a place like Central Park. We found a food truck that we've been dying to try since we saw them on The Food Network for lunch, and rested our feet while taking in the beauty of The New York City Public Library. If I were Carrie Bradshaw, I would have wanted to get married there too. It's gorgeous. And at 5:30 pm, central time, we popped a bottle of champagne.

We spent the evening at this fabulous restaurant under the Brooklyn Bridge. We had fabulous wine and delicious meals of duck and scallops. One of our more interesting conversations while making a five year plan, and toasts to our first year of marriage.

And looking back on our year... It was quite the twelve months. We've had big adventures from our trip to Eurpoe to random day trips on Saturday afternoons. Dan loves to explore, and his love for this has rubbed off on me. We've endured great heartbreak and trying times, much sooner in our relationship than we thought it would ever come, but, we overcame. We've laughed, we've cried, we've laughed so hard we've cried when it comes to the silliest things. We've made great friends, which I'm sure we'll have our entire life, and we've dreamed of our future. We've had fights and each one of us has slept on the couch. But we've grown. We have celebrated so much, from every football victory to friend's weddings, and job promotions. It was a great first year.

A lot can change in a year, but we are still us, and if anything we've grown closer and our understanding for each other has become clearier.

The night of our first year anniversary, we toasted to 217 more years of marriage so that we would be as old as the restaurant we were having dinner, that sure is a long time. But I can't think of spending it with anyone else.

A few pictures from our adventures on July 3rd...

We definitely thought the white hydrangeas were fitting for our anniversary, I wanted to pick a bunch and carry around a bouquet the entire day.

Korilla's Korean BBQ. Best burrito I've ever had!

Spending the afternoon in the place that holds all the great love letters... The NYC Public Library

Monday, August 27, 2012

Back to Reality

This past Saturday, it started. Football Season is upon us. It came out of nowhere really, we've been enjoying our summer and keeping busy, it didn't really dawn on me that I needed to brush up on my defense cheers until I was showering on Saturday morning.

I should have seen the signs, Dan getting home later and later. The laundry being full of green and black shirts. Yellow note pad after yellow note pad laying around the house with x's and o's and lines going every which way so carefully drawn out. Stacks of dvd's lined up by the television with school names, dates, and final scores written on top. Oh, and my favorite part... Octoberfest being out on the shelves at the grocery.

It will honestly take me maybe another week of two to get back in the grove. I have to admit I was kind of a pest to Dan last night asking if I could schedule a time to hang out with him, he just looked at me. I could see he was up to his eyeballs in laying out his game plan, so I just walked away... secretly hoping he'd say "How about we meet up for dinner at 7:00 pm."

So since Dan's preoccupied with his reality of being a football coach, I've decided to get back to blogging. I'm back. I may be needing a little inspiration from my friends and family for ideas for the blog, they are all welcome if anyone has any ideas, but I'm excited. Welcome back to, "Today is My Favorite Day!"

Oh, how could I forget?... The Mustangs won their first game on Saturday, 27-12. We are looking forward to a great season!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Something about Home

*Disclaimer - I haven't blogged in almost a month because blogspot.com has switched how they do things and I just haven't figured it out. A few weeks ago I had a really nice post but couldn't figure out how to make the paragraphs seperated or how to add pictures and put them where I wanted them to be. But I miss blogging, so here is goes, I don't care how the format ends up, it's going to just all be laid out there.

So this weekend I spent the most fabulous weekend at home. I haven't seen Jill or Dillon since Christmas, so even though Dan and I have been planning on going home next weekend for about four months for a friend's wedding, I happily made the trip since it was the only time they could make it home too.

And did we ever enjoy... I finally made it home around 1:00 am on Saturday morning, and I didn't even care that Jill and Dillon were sleeping so soundly, I woke Jill up, made a bed for Dillon on the floor, and climbed into bed with Jill. That is just what we do.

We talked and laughed for about an hour before I said, "I need to get some sleep so I can spend all day with Dillon tomorrow," and off I went.

The rest of the weekend was packed full of wonderful moments and funny confessions and laughs... that I can't even begin to describe the weekend (and I can't even share any pictures of the weekend because my camera showed up in St. Leon completely broke).

And today, after the three days at home, and in the middle of a four hour drive home, I heard this song on the radio, and smiled.

Somethin Bout A Truck

"Something about a truck in a farmer's field
No trespass sign, and time to kill
Nobody's gonna get hurt, so what's the big deal
Something about a truck in a farmer's field

Something about beer sitting on ice
After a long hard day makes it taste just right
On that dropped tailgate on a summer night
Something about beer sitting on ice

Something about a girl in a red sundress
With an ice cold beer pressed against her lips
In that farmer's field, will make a boy a mess
Something about a girl in a red sundress

Something about a kiss that's gonna lead to more
On that dropped tailgate, back behind the corn
The most natural thing, you've ever felt before
Something about a kiss that's gonna lead to more

Something about a truck in a field
And a girl in a red sundress with an ice cold beer to
her lips
Begging for another kiss
Something about you and me and the birds and the bees
And Lord have mercy it's a beautiful thing
Ain't nothing about it luck, something about a truck

Something about a creek around 2 am
After a few of those beers you wanna dive on in
You don't need no clothes, just hang em on a limb
Something about a creek around 2 am

Something about a truck in a field
And a girl in a red sundress with an ice cold beer to
her lips
Begging for another kiss
Something about you and me and the birds and the bees
And Lord have mercy it's a beautiful thing
Ain't nothing about it luck, something about a truck
Ain't nothing about it luck, something about a truck"

So, a few years ago, I was that girl, I always wore the sundress... and red is my favorite color. And I still do wear the sundress, if my family can't tell by the five new dresses I bought on the shopping trip that was meant for a few tops and a new bra. (Neither of which were purchased).

And I sat on Tailgates, and I drank the ice cold beers, and I enjoyed my life in the small town.

There is just something about it, even when I go home now.

There's something about the crisp air and the shining stars
There's something about my Dad icing down beers for the entire day, so when you are ready for one they make your teeth hurt because they are so cold
There's something about the sale's tax that isn't 10.75%
There's something about shopping with your best friend
There's something about seeing Joey Votto hit a walk off grand slam... and dance around a kitchen with a glass of wine celebrating
There's something about eating outside
There's something about your Mom happily doing your laundry
There's something about your nephew sharing his blankie with you because you left yours at home
There's semething about having an entire wiffle ball field in your front yard
There's something about having a family that has it's specialties, so whenever you have a family gathering, everyone knows what to bring... and it's the best meal you've had in awhile.
There's something about a chocolate cake with caramel icing that's been pasted down from generations
There's something about a coffee maker that churns out pot after pot
There's something about a mechanic who can make omelets like any trained chef I've ever met... That's my Dad, if you were wondering
There's something about laughing until you think you are going to pee your pants... and it would be perfectly exceptable because you wouldn't be the only person.
There's something about being extremely excited about being invited over for a simple meal of spagetti and meatballs... because you know it's homemade and it's one of your favorite recipes that you are dying to learn.
There's something about taking naps, all cuddled up with your older sister and younger brother, thinking how lucky you are to be the dreaded "middle child"
There's something about a campfire
There's something about telling stories around that campfire
There's something about your dad telling you, "I changed your oil, and the filter, put the new tags on your license plate, and put five gallons of gas in your tank," and you asking him, "And how much do I owe you for these services?" And he tells you, "Free of charge."
There's something about watching day time television with your Mom because you decided you needed to take Monday off to spend more time with them

... and that something... Is Home.

I cannot trade that place for anything, I just have to know that I am so lucky to call it mine... My Home.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

It's Over

I love blogging. I love coming to this place where I have a blank canvas and I can just type, get things off my chest, talk about my past, and dream about the future. A few months ago when I found the Photo of the Day challenge I was so excited because I really was lacking all inspiration to kept blogging, but now, after a good run at it, I'm burnt out.

Maybe it's because it's starting to get nicer outside and I want to be there instead of at a computer. Maybe it's because the busy season is upon us at work and when I get home I feel as if my brain is fried from the day... and if I have to look at the computer screen for just one more second I think I may go cross-eyed. And is it just me, or have the prompts been not very exciting for the month of April.

So the photo of the day is over. I hope to find something new and exciting to blog about, but for now, I'm just going to continue what I was doing in the past and show you why each new day is my favorite day.

And since I've been absent from this little corner of my world called my blog, here are some of my favorite things from the past week...

Enjoying a delicious breakfast of scrambled eggs and fresh fruit outside of my building on Thursday when I realized I showed up an hour before I scheduled myself to be there. There is nothing like the city in the early morning.

Finishing "Bloom" it's a beautiful, beautiful book that just reiterates that life is a special gift and life is what we make it.

Taking a road trip to my dear friend's baby shower and catching up with Lilly, Lydia, and Mo. I can't wait for this baby to be here... the first baby of the Duhme girls!

Jill telling me that Dillon eats pop tarts for breakfast and when I jokingly asked "when are you going to upgrade him to toaster strudels?" she replied... "well I've been honestly thinking about getting him those." This is the skinniest girl I know, yet she ate two pop tarts and then eventually toaster strudels every single day before high school.

Dan and I thinking we were back in college on Friday. We thought it would be a good idea to drink beer after beer and then play beer pong at a bar. Who did we think we were? I'll never know. I'm just glad I had absolutely nothing to do on Saturday, because it wasn't getting done. I felt like garbage, but we had so much fun on Friday.

Seeing some pretty cool events at work this week and the view is definitely the most beautiful on spring evenings. I still find myself staring out the window every day.

Knowing that my parents are going to be here in two nights! This week can't go quick enough, I am so looking forward to this weekend.

And lastly, the crazy work schedule is working in my favor tomorrow. I get to sleep in, not going into the office until 11:00. Hooray!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April 10th and 11th

Cold & Where You Ate Breakfast

It's been so cold outside the past two days and I've been scarfing down oatmeal from a disposable coffee cup at my desk while my computer is booting up. Nothing to exciting or glamorous, but it's been my life the past two days.

And so I had a choice, I could either scrounge up some pictures to try to represent "cold" and "where you ate breakfast" in a cool and exciting way, but I decided not to. Just like I decided this morning that it would be a better idea to iron my pants and blouse instead of curl my hair because I only had so much time, I went the entire day with flat, stringy hair, but decided that was the lesser of the two evils... I hate wrinkly clothes. It's all about choices people!

I'm not sure where I am going with this. At first I was envisioning some long drawn out, sappy post about how we make choices every single day that may or may not have an extreme effect on our lives, but then I just deleted an entire paragraph about how I am so excited I talked Dan into picking up beers on his way home. It has been months since we've had beer in our house, and even if they are Mich Ultra's I am enjoying every single drink out of my frosty beer glass. It was a good choice on my part if you ask me.

But I've decided just to scrap it all. Long story short, I haven't taken a picture in two days and my life has been nothing but train rides, phone calls, emails, meetings, and snuggling on my couch. And I'm okay with that, I hope you're warmer than I am here in Chicago and enjoying your breakfasts more than I am, and I hope I can come up with some better things in the coming days.

Cheers to beers and phillip phillips, love him!

Monday, April 9, 2012

April 9 - Younger You

This weekend while I was home I meant to go through the old pictures to find a good pictures of my younger self, but I didn't...

But today, when we pulled up to our house I saw that I had a package on my front step. I was so excited, it was "bloom." I've been waiting for this package to arrive since I preordered Kelle Hampton's book almost six weeks ago, and it's finally here! And tonight, I settled into my corner and just started reading.

It was towards the very beginning that I found this passage...

"It's taken me awhile to grasp it all, but I have finally arrived at the grown-up place of life-is-what-your-make-it and there are lots of things in life we go through that aren't comfortable or ideal, but they could be so incredibly worse, and a simple life of comfort does nothing to change us, mold us, make us into better, stronger more beautiful versions of ourselves...

I have been reminded so much these past couple weeks of just how wonderfully blessed we are, and the older I get, the more I embrace change as an opportunity to learn just what I am capable of.

I am capable of so much.

... and I am excited at the opportunity of new challenges, more love...Perhaps I had been planted for too long and this little bit of discomfort will challenge me to push myself more toward new chapters in the story of our life.

They will be good chapters.

The last few days have been such a snowballing of emotions and contemplations and yes, hormones, to settle me into a contented place of so-be-it. Life flows on, and I want to experience every tide, every wave, every calm with purpose."

I love this. I've read and re-read it, and it hit home with me. I feel like lately I've really been trying to look at things with the glass half full and when people are nothing but negative, I get really, really aggravated. Because you know what, things could be a lot worse and you have no idea what other people are going through. I feel like people that are negative all of the time would honestly feel better if they just switched their way of thinking. Yes, it might not be as easily done as said, but you got to start somewhere. I wouldn't have thought this way in my younger life.

So I challenge everybody, today, find something crummy... and take that crummy something and find something fabulous about it. Because I'm sure there is something...

With that being said, this weekend while we were home almost every one was asking us about our new eating habits. When I told them we didn't eat meals with more than 400 calories, and I only cooked on Sundays, most people looked at me like I had 3 eye balls. So I thought I would share how incredibly easy this transition has been for us.

So here is how it works. First, I go through my binder of recipes and decide what we'd like this week. I write down all of the ingredients, and then rewrite the things I need in the order that they appear in the grocery store. With this method, I honestly spend more time in the check-out line than in the actual store. I love coming home with a complete list checked off!

And when I get home, I turn on the music really loud, banish Dan to his loft... and cook. The process usually takes between 2 and 2 and a half hours, depending if I go with four recipes or five, and within that amount of time this (please excuse the booze, I don't use that in my recipes)...

...turns into this.

My favorite part of the day is stacking up all of my containers and putting them away, it feels like such an accomplishment, and I know that we are set for the entire week.

And here is what we are having this week.

Greek Chicken Pasta
11 ounces uncooked whole wheat pasta
2 t olive oil
1 large clove garlic, crushed
1/3 cup chopped red onion
12 ounces skinless, boneless chicken, cut into bite size pieces
A little over a half a can of artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
A little over a half a can of tomatoes (or half of one large tomato)
1/3 cup crumbled feta cheese
A few shakes of parsley
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
1 & 1/4 teaspoons dried oregano
salt and pepper

Cook Pasta.
Heat olive oil in a large skillet, add garlic and onion, saute for 2 minutes, add chicken and cook until no longer pink.
Reduce heat to medium low, add artichoke hearts, tomato, feta cheese, parsley, lemon juice, oregano, and cooked pasta. Stir all together and cook for about 2 minutes. Four Servings.

Spicy Vegetable Soup
1 tablespoons olive oil
1 large onion, diced
2 teaspoons hot paprika (I put a couple extra shakes and some chili powder)
2 cups vegetable broth
1 can tomatoes
1 diced yellow summer squash
2 cups diced cooked potatoes
1 can green beans
2 cups frozen spinach
2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar

Heat oil in large pot, add onions, cover and cook for about 5 minutes.
Add paprika and stir for about 30 seconds.
Add broth, tomatoes, squash, cooked potatoes and beans. Bring to a boil.
Reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, for about 12 minutes.
Stir in spinach and vinegar; continue cooking until heated through, about 3 minutes.
They say to top the soup with a dollop of pesto, I've never done it, but I bet it's delish. Four Servings

Mexican Pork Stew
~I cut this recipe in half, below is for 8 Servings~
3 lb. pork loin
1 1/2 cup salsa verde (green salsa)
1 3/4 cup chicken broth
1 medium onion, sliced thinly
1 teaspoon ground cumin
Salt and pepper
1 can diced tomatoes

Preheat oven to 350 degrees, Place everything in baking dish, cover tightly with foil and bake for 2 1/2 hours. Uncover and bake 15 minutes. Remove the pork for the salsa, place salsa in a skillet and heat while stirring for 15 minutes to thicken the salsa. Pour salsa back over the pork. Garnish with low fat four cream and cilantro.

Chicken and Veggie with Orzo
1 cup uncooked orzo
1/2 cup chicken broth
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 teaspoons cornstarch
2 Tablespoons olive oil
12 ounces chicken breast, cut into thin strips
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup julienne cut carrots
1 yellow bell pepper cut into thin strips
2 cups julienne cut zucchini

Cook orzo by following package instructions. Combine broth, lemon juice, and cornstarch in a small bowl. Heat 1 T oil and cook garlic, chicken and salt until chicken is cooked through. Heat 1 T oil and cook carrots and bell pepper for 3 minutes, then add zucchini and cook for another 3 minutes. Stir broth mixture until smooth, add to the skillet and cook for 2 minutes. Add orzo and chicken to skillet. Heat through. Four Servings.


April 8 - Inside Your Wallet... Easter

I don't really like the prompt for today, so I'm going to skip it. I don't have anything too exciting inside my wallet anyway. Sunday, April 8th was a beautiful Easter Sunday. Dan and I woke up to our Easter basket, I love grown up Easter baskets, full of gas cards and toothbrushes!

We went for a nice jog, sat on the deck, and when Mom and Dad got home from church we started getting ready for the day's celebrations. I pulled up Facebook before we left for the day and saw that everybody was posting pictures of their families in their Easter best, so here are Dan and I... and you can tell John took this picture, because he really wanted his football sign in the shot.

We had the most amazing brunch at Bert and Daves. For some reason I didn't take a picture of all of the food, but we had it all. Omelets, biscuits and gravy, pancakes, fruit, ham, bacon, potatoes (sauteed in bacon grease). Delicious! We played outside, took a little snooze on the floor, watched the Red's win in the bottom of the ninth, and then we were off to The Hartman's. We had another delicious meal with the family and I didn't think it was possible to cheer on a golf game as much as I did on Sunday. It was a good, celebratory day, topped off cuddling on my parent's couch enjoying the wine I brought home for the weekend but was too busy to even think about opening.

The saddest part of the day was knowing that when I woke up in the morning I would have to pack my bags and leave, that may be why I kept asking Dan if we could stay up just a little bit longer... It was a good trip home, good to see some friends and my family. I just soaked everything up and I'll now be held over until the next trip home!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

April 7 - Your Shadow

We spent a large part of the day today on the deck. This is Mom's sanctuary. She loves sitting out here, mainly to watch the birds. Dan's been asking her a lot about the pileated woodpecker that has come to visit her in the past. So today, Mom went out and bought suet. She claims this is what makes them come to your yard. We hung the suet, and we did a stakeout for this bird.

I honestly thought one would just come flying out of the woods, but it didn't. We did hear it tapping away at a tree in the woods, but it never came. As the day was coming to an end I stepped back out on the deck to watch for a little bit longer, and there it was, my shadow.

Along with the bird watching, this weekend has been full of the simplest pleasures. We've read articles on how to make the most perfect hard boiled egg... and then accomplished it.

We dyed eggs, following the instructions for extra vibrant eggs. Without any little guys around we could let them sit in the dye for at least 15 minutes. Dyeing eggs is a lot more fun when you're drinking wine too.

The eggs came out beautifully.

We've picked flowers.

Had an amazing camp fire in the backyard.

We've taken walks, chopped lots of omelet ingredients to prep for tomorrow's Easter celebrations.

I stole a spoon full of the finished broccoli casserole... it's even fabulous when cold.

Been genuinely interested in The Masters, "Come On Phil", gone to lunch with Brother Justin, drank way too many pots of coffee, and I even snuck in a nap.

And now we're off to cheer on the Reds. Being able to watch a Red's game on television is quite the treat for Dan and I, so B-dubs here we come.

Happy Saturday, Happy Easter.

Friday, April 6, 2012

April 6 - Lunch

Today, lunch was such a treat! Becky, Amanda, and I were all back together again... drinking margaritas and eating chips and salsa like our old selves. It was so good to see them both and catch up. I miss them like crazy.

Please note that we did not steal any menus, salsa bowls, corona salt and pepper shakers, or cactus margarita glasses like we have in the past. We're growing up, becoming real people. The days of drinking tequila until we puke in the bathroom are over... at least during the lunch hour anyway.

Happy Good Friday, Oh, Happy Day!

April 5 - Tiny

Thursday, April 5th was quite the day. I had a wedding tasting so I didn't have to go into work until 10:30 am, which meant I got to watch Good Morning America. I love that show! Work was good, but a long, long day. I got so much done, finalized everything since I was going to be out for a few days, had a wine tasting for our new menus, and then the wedding tasting with a couple from Washington D.C.

Finally at 7:45 I bolted out of the John Hancock Building, I was on the road. I swung by our house, picked up Dan and we were homeward bound. We didn't leave Northwest Indiana until 8:45 pm, which was 9:45 home time, but we just drove... and finally at 1:23 am we pulled into Mom and Dad's house. I automatically felt better about my entire day, and so very excited to be spending the next three and a half days here.

We were so incredibly tired when we got here, we didn't even talk to each other, just crashed into bed. When we come home we sleep in Jill and I's old room, which is now Johnny's room, but he happily sleeps in the basement for the weekend. The room is not purple anymore, and instead of our two tiny twin beds, there is a double bed. But there is still this tiny TV, just like Jill and I had. And when I turned on the tiny TV I flipped the channel button three times and heard it... "Thank you for being my friend...." It was our show. The show Jill and I fell asleep to every single night. The Golden Girls. It was the episode where Blanche thinks her really young trainer is interested in her, but really he wants to hang out with her because she reminds him of his mother. Funny, funny episode! And yes, I stayed awake the an extra half hour just so I could watch the show in our old room. I miss it, I miss this house, I miss Jill in the little tiny bed next to me, watching this tiny TV. And yes, I can tell I'm getting older because I can see this little thing as clearly as I could in high school.

Happy Easter Weekend, everyone. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

April 4 - Someone Who Makes You Happy

My husband makes me happy. It’s still kind of foreign to me saying, “my husband” but I like it. April 4th was one of those nights for us. Neither of us had any prior commitments, which has been rare lately, and we just hung out. I even got him to help me unload the dishwasher and pick up things around the house with me so we can bolt out the door to head home as soon as possible after work on Thursday.

Dan doesn’t need to do much to make me happy, just the way that we are together makes me relaxed and content. We can talk, or we don’t have to. We can tell each other stories and talk about our days. He is always interested in what I did at work and I like asking about his kids at school.

It’s easy for us, and I guess that’s what makes our marriage work. We laugh, a lot, about the silliest things and when we talk about things that we did when growing up it’s always funny to get each other’s perspectives because we are surprised how very similar our childhoods were. This week we discovered that we both hated when our mom’s made salmon patties during Lent, neither of us ate black beans when we were little, every Saturday morning involved Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and we both share the same favorite Saved By The Bell episode (the one where Jessie is taking caffeine pills and she’s jumping around her bedroom singing, “I’m so excited, I’m so excited, I’m so, I’m so Scared.”) Who knows what kind of ridiculous things we’ll know about each other in a few more years. And he teaches me things. I guess I never, ever paid attention in history class because I don’t know much of anything when it comes to life before 1987, and Dan is a sponge. He is so full of facts and years; he can tell you the order of Kings and Queens of England and the starting lineup every year for the Reds dating to way before my time. Sometimes it amazes me with the things he knows… but sometimes I think, “Is he just making this stuff up?” I sure hope not since he’s teaching kids these things every day, but still how does someone remember all of that?

He makes me happy, and that’s a good thing, because I’m stuck with him for the rest of my life…but I don’t think I could ask for anyone better.

And I love this picture of us from almost five years ago. I don't think either of us knew at this point that we would fall in love, and get married, but it sure looks like we did. And this picture makes me so happy, I think it just oozes love.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 3 - Mail

It was a sad, sad day for me. I didn't receive any mail, not even any mail in my work mailbox! Not even a bill to pay!!

So instead I'm going to share with you something that brings so much joy to my morning. The Tulips on Michigan Avenue. I wish these were in bloom all year long, because honestly they bring a smile to my face for the entire mile walk to work.

Happy Spring!