Monday, September 24, 2012

It's Here...

Towards the beginning of every school year there comes three nights when Dan sleeps out on the couch because he is too sick to lay in bed, he props up every single pillow (but mine) that we own and makes himself a little nest. He gets orange juice, the remote, and a pile of tissues to help him make it through, and miraculously, three nights later, he's better. Tonight is night one.

So for me it's usually a restless night. Yes, I greatly enjoy sleeping in the middle of the bed and taking control of all of the covers on the bed, but to hear him out there coughing and blowing his nose is something that could wake anybody up. So we're in for the long haul.

He blames it, of course, on the colder weather. But it's that cool weather that I love. I love waking up in the morning and snuggling for just a few more minutes before I run really fast into my nice warm bathroom, I love walking briskly to work and enjoying the breeze instead of the sun and heat beating down on me, I've liked running outside with the sun setting and being able to see the leaves start to change. I love that we spent Saturday night, outside, watching the football game while sitting next to the fire, and making pot after pot of coffee on Sunday, just because it was all day coffee drinking weather. Oh, and how could I forget, I love drinking Octoberfest and making pots of chili.

So we will take the good with the bad. I know that in three night Dan will be in tip-top shape, just in time for the Friday night game, and I'll start digging out my scarves and puffy vests... because those are two of my favorite things.

Happy Fall...

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