Monday, September 17, 2012

"I Just Kept Running"

As I mentioned yesterday, last week was quite the week. Dan and I schedules couldn't have been more off and when I did have a day off during the week it was spent running all around town getting things done that I have been neglecting for weeks.

Finally, on Sunday, I had the most enjoyable day, as we were making our trip from the city I mentioned to Dan, "I have the most fantastic plans laid out for the day," he quickly replied, "You're going to take a nap right when we get home, right?" I replied, "Absolutely, but I may also go for a little run."

I've really been enjoying running on the trail outside our house lately, before the past couple of weeks I've been a slave to my eliptical, I was reading the most fantastic book, so the eliptical allowed me to workout and read for a half hour every day, but the book ended and my love of working out inside ended... so I'm back to Dan's old school iPod and the trail. I've been running 2-3 miles a day, and today I set out for 2.5 miles, but I had a Forest Gump moment and I just kept running.... It might have been because of the beautiful weather or it might have been the mix of really classic rap music that I heard on Dan's iPod or it could have been the guy in really short shorts running in front of me, but every 1/10th mile marker I passed I wanted to keep going, and finally I quit after 3.6 miles.

Now I probably looked like this while I was running...

But I felt like this...

And I'm going to continue. I've decided to put it all in words so it holds me accountable, and my goal, by Thanksgiving is to be running 6 miles on the weekends. So here goes nothing... let's hope, in the theme of Forest Gump, that Shit DOESN'T Happen to steer me away from the goal.


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