Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Love Affair With Cape Cod

Dear Cape Cod,

Do you remember me? We spent three glorious days together in July. You shared so much with me and I just haven't been able to get your beauty out of my head.

I've never been welcomed anywhere with more open arms and as soon as I crossed the boarder into your little town I felt like I was home. You have some of the nicest people I've ever met in your possession and do they have the most glorious accents, or what? It was such a pleasure being in your company and our time together, I will not quickly forget.

You are just so charming. Each little town we drove through was better than the one we just visited, you kept providing more beautiful beaches and even quainter restaurants and store fronts as we drove. I just needed more time to explore every nook and cranny of your being.

You really do have it all. Beaches, baseball fields, sunsets, marinas, tennis and golf clubs, beautiful houses, even more beautiful boats, talented, hilarious people, family owned shops, walking paths, and the Kennedy's. I've never seen something with so much character.

And your food. Can you come up with anymore ways to serve lobster? It was a joy eating every single meal, drinking every Cape Cod Brewery Beer, and falling in love with your clam chowder. Every meal was an adventure in itself and I'll never look at the seafood in Chicago the same way.

But the true highlight for me... were the hydrangeas. I've never seen anything like it. I was amazed, shocked really, at how beautiful the flowers were and how meticulously they were taken care of, and I don't care what anybody else says...

 I hope heaven smells like Cape Cod.

If it were up to me I would just come and stay with you for the rest of my life. If it meant living off the land and earning my keep by making clam chowder every day, I would do it. I would hope to pick up the accent and the charm, but I would ask for nothing else. You're a dream.

I hope to see you soon.



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