Friday, April 6, 2012

April 5 - Tiny

Thursday, April 5th was quite the day. I had a wedding tasting so I didn't have to go into work until 10:30 am, which meant I got to watch Good Morning America. I love that show! Work was good, but a long, long day. I got so much done, finalized everything since I was going to be out for a few days, had a wine tasting for our new menus, and then the wedding tasting with a couple from Washington D.C.

Finally at 7:45 I bolted out of the John Hancock Building, I was on the road. I swung by our house, picked up Dan and we were homeward bound. We didn't leave Northwest Indiana until 8:45 pm, which was 9:45 home time, but we just drove... and finally at 1:23 am we pulled into Mom and Dad's house. I automatically felt better about my entire day, and so very excited to be spending the next three and a half days here.

We were so incredibly tired when we got here, we didn't even talk to each other, just crashed into bed. When we come home we sleep in Jill and I's old room, which is now Johnny's room, but he happily sleeps in the basement for the weekend. The room is not purple anymore, and instead of our two tiny twin beds, there is a double bed. But there is still this tiny TV, just like Jill and I had. And when I turned on the tiny TV I flipped the channel button three times and heard it... "Thank you for being my friend...." It was our show. The show Jill and I fell asleep to every single night. The Golden Girls. It was the episode where Blanche thinks her really young trainer is interested in her, but really he wants to hang out with her because she reminds him of his mother. Funny, funny episode! And yes, I stayed awake the an extra half hour just so I could watch the show in our old room. I miss it, I miss this house, I miss Jill in the little tiny bed next to me, watching this tiny TV. And yes, I can tell I'm getting older because I can see this little thing as clearly as I could in high school.

Happy Easter Weekend, everyone. Enjoy!

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