Thursday, January 6, 2011

Today is my favorite day...

For Several Reasons...

1. I'm starting to feel better. Not 100%, I'd say about 65%, but i have energy, my voice works again, and I'm awake at 8:00 pm, much better than the rest of the week!

2. I had such a great day at work. I met two great clients that I'm excited to be working with. I met a "father of the bride" who really was quoting Steve Martin from the movie. The daughter was so embarrassed, but I just had to let her know that my dad has been quoting the movie for the last six months.

My dad's favorite quote is:

Steve Martin: "You're breaking up it sounded like you said $150 a head"
Franck's Assistant: "No,No"
Steve Martin: "Good, I was about to kill myself"
Franck's Assistant: "I said $250 a head"

This father of the bride's favorite quote (which he repeated a couple times today) was:

Steve Martin: "Oh, good, who else can we ask not to eat? My Parents? Your Mother?

The bride I am working with was glad to know she's not the only one out there dealing with a true life "Father of the Bride" (which by the way is one of my favorite movies!)

3. Dan surprised me with by bringing home a bottle of WHITE wine, which means not only did I get to enjoy wine with dinner... I could bring it upstairs. As much as I love red wine, I may be switching over since it is "white fluffy carpet friendly."

4. There is a new Grey's Anatomy on tonight! I've been waiting weeks for my shows to be new since the holiday season... so tonight's the night!

5. It's Thursday... which only means, tomorrow is Friday. This is the first full week I've worked in the past two because of Christmas and New Year's, so it's been a long week yes, but I'm excited that tomorrow is the end of the work week and we have the whole weekend to put our house back together.

So Happy Thursday Night, everyone!

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