Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Not So "Blog Worthy" Blog

I know, I know, I haven't been posting like I used to, and I really just don't know what has gotten into me.

Maybe it's because I've really been trying to think about things for the wedding lately. Finding vendors in an area you are not familiar with is quite the task. Good thing I have Miss Mary Beth at the country club to send me good suggestions. But really, it takes up quite a bit of Internet time every evening.

Maybe it's because Dan and I have been spending more time together downstairs... which I love. We've taken the Christmas tree down weeks ago, but still haven't put the TV back downstairs. So when I get home we eat dinner and just sit and talk, which is nice, opposed to what we are doing now, sitting at opposite ends of the couch pecking away at our computers.

Maybe it's because American Idol started this week. I love this show, and it's definitely one that I turn all my attention to, computer is put away when this show is on.

Maybe it's because I've just been kind of feeling blah lately. I'm sure it has to do with the weather or my brain just being tired by the time I get home. As we speak (excuse me, type) Dan just had to repeat the same thing to me three times because I just couldn't register what he was talking about in my brain. I told him, with a blank stare, that something was wrong with me, he laughed and said, "at least you're finally admitting it." Right now I am just longing for Sunday when I can sleep in and not leave my house... all day!

Or maybe it's because my life just hasn't been very blog worthy lately. We've finally gotten into such a routine with our work and home life, so nothing to0 exciting has happened lately. Which to tell you the truth... does not bother me one bit.

So I'm going to go on with the rest of my week, preparing for a huge wedding at the restaurant this weekend, helping Dan prepare for a job interview for a head coaching position on Monday, picking out wedding flowers and cakes, working so hard to learn as much as possible at work before I take my test to become officially promoted, getting ready for my parents visit, enjoying a city that is so full of hype and excitement as we get ready for the biggest play-off game in the history of the city, and trying brave the sub-zero weather... oh wait... maybe my life has been blog worthy lately... I've just been to busy to think about it!

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