Monday, February 13, 2012

February 12 - Inside Your Closet

I've been so nervous for this day to come because I knew as soon as my mom would see this picture she would insist that I need to clean out my closet. I'm pretty embarrassed by this picture because it's such a mess... But here it is, my side of the closet.

I even put February 12th off for a day because I thought I would use my day off to clean it up a little. Instead I stayed in my bed until 10:30 am and stared at my closet thinking about what I could get rid of, but there wasn't much that I thought I could part with.

My rule is that at the end of every season, if I haven't worn it in the last three months, I get rid of it, even if it has the tags on it. It seems like a good system, but I realized that winter is the longest season when living in Chicago so mid-February my closet will begin to look like this.

Dan also came up with a little project. He said that I needed to count my shoes and then get rid of 20% of them. I said I would do it if he did it (keep in mind he's the owner of at least 15 pairs of Nikes) and he doesn't want to do it, so we'll just keep stacking up the shoes on the shelves. The thing about shoes is my feet haven't changed size since I was in the fifth grade, that's a lot of time to accumulate shoes! I've also found the most wonderful cobbler, so when I do wear out my favorite pair I just take them to him and he makes them brand new! He might be one of my favorite people in town!

Dan and I talk a lot about our dream home. The home changes a lot, sometimes it is a condo in the city with a lakeview and sometimes it's a house with a pool in the backyard, but every time we talk about our dream home I talk about my dream closet. Inside this closest lives the washer and dryer and an island that I can fold my clothes on and has drawers all along it to house all kinds of things, and then I would have shoe shelves to the ceiling so I don't have to stack my favorites on top of each other like I do now... it's nice to dream, but then I realize that a closet like that in the city would be very hard to come by. So for now I'm just going to keep smashing things into my side of the closet, and Mom, please save the phone call, I'll clean it out at the end of the season!

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