Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 15 - Phone

Well, here's my phone.

It's something I love, something I don't think I could live without. But I have had to live without it many, many times because I have the worst luck with phones. There was a span of six months where I went through five phones. I lost one to a cup of orange juice while sitting on my parent's couch, one to Harry's toilet, another one to a cup of water in my car, one to a trash can at Harry's which when I eventually found it in was in a cup of beer, and believe it or not, the fifth one was lost to a cup of water. No amount of rice could fix any of these phones. It was terrible.

Five ebay phones later, I was finally out of my Verizon contract and off of the Horstman Family Plan. I walked into the U.S. Cellular store, picked out my brand new Blackberry. I've never been more excited, this was the first time in a long time that I owned a phone straight out of the store. It lasted approximately 6 weeks, until it found a cup of water in my car. YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! It was a sad, sad day. I had a melt down and everything (trust me, there was much more going on in my life than just the phone, but still, a melt down). So I again visited ebay and now I have my lovely little red Blackberry that is slower than molasses and doesn't work on the 95th floor of the John Hancock Building.

But it is still one of my favorite things. Every day when I walk out of work, I grab for my phone... and call Theresa. It's habit. I have a 20 minute walk and it's the time of day that I get to share with my mom. I get to say the things out loud that I've been thinking in my head all day, we get to gossip and share the silliest news with each other. I laugh and sometimes have to cry... and she listens to me. It honestly is one of my favorite parts of the days, that lady can make almost anything make sense and she can make me feel better about 98% of the things that bother me. She's a saint, she is, Mother Theresa. I love her... and my little red Blackberry that connects her to me everyday at 6:30 pm - 5:30 Central :)

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