Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 8 - 11

Just like mid month last month, I got a little burnt out on blogging this week. But, I don't want to stop, I really like the concept of a photo a day, so I'm going to just encompass the last four days into one.

Here is goes...

March 8 - Window. On the actual 8th of March I looked out my window and saw the most beautiful full moon. "The Worm Moon" is what it is called. I didn't get a chance to read the article about why it is called "The Worm Moon" or take a picture that day. So my picture to describe window is here.

This weekend was so beautifully fantastic and I couldn't help but have the windows open in the house. Dan got home on Saturday and couldn't believe the wind that was blowing through the house. I told him that I was getting the disease out of the house, "What disease?" he asks. "Winter," I said.

March 9 - Red. Red is my favorite color, but once I graduated from East Central High School and didn't have to wear red every Friday as a cheerleader, I kind of gave up on the color in my wardrobe. Except for these puppies, which I absolutely love and wore to the first grill-out of the season at Artie's house this weekend.

March 10 - Loud. I have sensitive ears, you can ask anybody that has ever lived with me... or ridden in a car with me, my ears hurt... a lot. Especially when there is music on that I don't like. That really makes my ears bleed. On Saturday, March 10th, I just drove. It had been a long week and after I left Dan at the driving range I just decided I needed to drive a little bit, and listen to the radio really loud with my window down. It was glorious... and I love this Kelly Clarkson song that was playing at the time of this photo, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger!

March 11 - Someone you Talked To. Since I'm combining everything into one weekend. Here is someone that I talked to. Johnny.

Now when I think of my brother John, this is automatically what I think of, because this is how I think I will always see him.

But in reality, this is John.

He is growing up. He has his driving license, he told me about the job interview he went on this weekend, he's in high school for crying out loud, and doing things I did in high school, which gives me great anxiety. Because he's John, the most perfect little brother ever. I'm sure most of you have heard this story before, but when Mom and Dad told Jill and I that we were going to have a little brother or sister, I sobbed. (Jill did cartwheels), but I sobbed. I didn't want a younger sibling, I didn't want to be the middle child. But I couldn't imagine life without Johnny. I love him to pieces and I am so proud of the person he's becoming.

So there it is, I'm caught up, and you know what the beauty of this week is... It's St. Patrick's Day week... love this holiday, corn beef & cabbage, and Guinness. Bring it on!

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