Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 14-Clouds, Not Really, This One's About My Momma

Sorry, there wasn't a cloud in the sky today. It was 75 degrees in Chicago today, which I'm pretty sure broke the record for the highest temperature for this date. So I don't have a picture to go along with today.

Instead, I'm going to write this about my mom. I've been trying to do this since the dawn of my blog but every time I try it just doesn't come out right. So today is the day, I've decided this because I just read my most favorite blog "Enjoying the Small Things," by Kelle Hampton. I love this, I love her and her girls. I love her courage and the way she can write and just paint the most beautiful picture with her words. If you haven't checked out her blog, please do. It is so special. It's here and you'll see why I have decided to turn the "Clouds" blog into one about Mother Theresa.

I love my mom. As I've mentioned before she is one of the top three ladies I've ever known. She gave us the perfect childhood and since I've grown up and left the house she's given me the most wonderful support. At times in my life I've thought she didn't care enough about what I was doing, but I realized that she was just letting me figure things out for myself because she knew that I could do it. She's the first person I want to call when something good happens in my life, but she is also the first person I call when something crummy is happening. Either way, she's there, and she'll listen to me go on and on. She's a little rock of mine in my sometimes crazy life.

My mom has taught me so many things just by her example. She's taught me to love, she's taught me to laugh at myself, to love Rod Stewart and Michael Bolton, and she has taught me to be content. I don't need every material thing in the world to be happy and I don't have to have these fabulous plans laid out for every day. It's the tiny little things that count. The family dinners, the beautiful sunsets, the cycle of the moon, the birds chirping outside the window, she enjoys life's little gifts. I cannot see a beautiful sunset or a full moon without thinking of my Mom. A couple weeks ago the moon was hanging so low and so bright and I called her, "Are you looking at the moon?" I said. She couldn't see it from her house, so she made John get in the car with her and they drove. Unfortunately it was too cloudy to see the Chicago Moon in St. Leon's sky, so she didn't get to see it, but wanted me to take a picture. It's the little things.

And not to mention, this lady can cook. She is hands down the best lasagna, meat loaf, chili, and grilled cheese chef I've ever met. I don't know how many times I've said it on here before, but Mom created the most wonderful meals from nothing. The refrigerator could be almost bare, but she would whip up the most fantastic meals. It just happened, my friends thought it was a magic trick. And every night we would have dinner, as a family, even if it was Tuesday nights at Pizza Hut (which has now turned into BW3's), but we were a family. And she is our rock.

I appreciate every big thing my mom has ever done for me and given me, but more so, I appreciate the little things. Jill, Johnny and I are so lucky to have her as our Mom. Love this lady.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this post! That's the kind of mamma I aspire to be for my babies. Thanks for sharing. :)
