Monday, March 12, 2012

March 12 - Fork

In college my roommates and I spent just as much time watching television as we did anything else. We all had our shows, and when nothing was on and we actually did have to do homework, we would have the TV guide channel on for background noise. Rebecca’s favorite show was Everybody Loves Raymond. She absolutely loves this show and we would hear her laughing out loud to the television show nightly. I never watched it before I moved in with her and I found myself enjoying to it. But my favorite episode is the one where Marie is telling Debra about the Fork and Spoon that they have on their wall. You can see them here.

These were a wedding gift and they both hated them so much, but one day Frank put fork on the wall, so of course Marie had to nail the spoon to the wall… higher than the fork. They both thought these things were hideous but they never took them down, and at the end of the episode Debra convinces Marie that they needed to go. She finally gets up the courage to do so… and after 45 years the outline of this fork and spoon are still on the wall. It’s a hilarious, hilarious episode, my favorite Raymond episode that is for sure.

So when I spent my summer in South Carolina, I found the most perfect accessory for our apartment kitchen. I just had to have these. And right when I got back from my summer these babies went up.

They aren’t as large as the ones on Raymond, but they were awesome, and our little inside joke. And I know it’s more of a spork than a fork, but I couldn’t let today’s photo assignment pass without sharing this pictures. I miss these girls, and our apartment like crazy. I wish I could go back for just one weekend with them.

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