Monday, August 30, 2010

Television Guide

I love television. The range of shows that I watch is ridiculous. I've always had my shows that I watch and I'm thankful that Dan enjoys most of the same ones I do (He refuses to watch any of The Real Housewives.) But now it is the most awful time of year, you know the time, when the summer shows are ending and the fall shows just haven't started yet. It's terrible. We are stuck watching The Bachelor Pad (which we have secretly found to love) and reruns of American Pickers (we both sometimes forget what kind of treasures they find, so it's good to watch it a second time.)

This week I just realized that we don't get a TV guide here like we did at my parents house. I always loved to get the guide in the Sunday paper. I would leaf through it and see if any good movies were going to be on this week, if my shows were going to be new or reruns, and before the guide was available on the TV is was the only way to see what was on.

When John was little he loved cartoons. He knew everyone's daily schedule by what cartoon was on. He would eat lunch when Cailou was on, Jill and I came home from school while Scooby Doo was on, and so on. He had the TV guide memorized. I used to quiz him on what was on after a certain show... he always knew.

When I went to college I found my absolute favorite television channel. Channel 23. The TV Guide Network. Not only was the television scheudle scrolling along the bottom of the screen everyday, but they had some ridiculous show on the top of the screen. I could see what was going on on the other channels while watching "Saved By The Bell, Where Are They Now?" I found myself with this channel on more than others. I finally got Amanda hooked on Channel 23 as well. We would find ourselves sitting on the couch for an entire evening, watching absoultely nothing but the scrolling of the channels and silly shows. Around awards season was always good because they had the Best and Worst Dressed Shows. People would come to our house and we would be assuming our usual positions on our couches with our computers and books, pretending to be doing homework... watching The TV Guide Network. They always thought we were crazy because this was our show of choice.

I've lived in my new house for three months now and I didn't realize until yesterday that I didn't have this channel anymore. I found out about my loss because Amanda texted me to let me know that she just found it on her television. SO JEALOUS. So i guess I just need to go visit Tennesse, the girls, and the TV Guide Network. So ManFace and I can assume our positions on the couch!

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