Friday, August 27, 2010


I knew a guy in college who would make a To-Do list every Sunday night. We would all be hanging out in someone’s dorm, watching football, trying to come up with things to eat for dinner because the dining halls were close, and all pretending like we were getting homework done. Every week Andy would sit down and make his list of things he needed to do during the week. He would put everything on there from homework assignments to laundry. Sometimes it would be on a post-it, other times on a legal size sheet of paper. But he always started it the same way.

1.Make To-Do List

His list would go on and on and then when he was done, he automatically crossed the first thing off of his list. He always said it made him feel like he accomplished something. I loved the idea and started doing it myself that year. It really did make me feel like I at least did something by making this list and motivated me to keep crossing things of the list.

I thought of this concept earlier this week when I tried to sit down to make a To-Do list for our wedding. It’s a daunting daunting task, I wasn’t even sure where to start, but then it came to me… and I wrote it down.

1.Make To-Do List

Now I’m not going to bore you with this list, it’s too ridiculous to let someone else read, and it only has one thing crossed out on it… and that’s the first item.

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