Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Little Encouragement For My Girls in Tennessee

I have a soft spot for teachers.

Not only am I marrying one, two of my best friends are going to be experiencing their first day of school in a whole new way on Friday. They are going to be the ones in charge. I know they are both anxiously awaiting this first day... so girls, here's a little encouragement.

I admire teachers for many reasons, but the biggest one is probably that there is no way I could ever do their job. I'm not patient enough, I would be doing to student's work for them... I'm inappropriate in most situations, hardly any of my conversations are rated PG... I'm a bad student myself, Dan has been teaching economics now for three years and he still says I'm his worst student because I still don't understand the difference between needs and wants, it's a lesson in Chapter 1. So for all of these reason I could never be a teacher!

Good teachers are truly something special. My favorite teacher ever was my English teacher senior year. She really made us think, made us work out things on our own, and let us read books that we wanted to read. She related with us, related what we were learning to what was going on in our lives, and let us ask silly questions.

I know for certain that Ms. Elsbury is going to be someones favorite teacher because of her kindness. She's going to love all of her students like they are her own and be silly with them so that they feel comfortable in her classroom. She's going to make every day special for all of her students.

I know for certain that Ms. Bertram is going to be someones favorite teacher. She's going to make a game out of every lesson that she teaches... and probably sing a song that goes along with the lesson. She's going to be the teacher that the kids think back to because all of the important little things they needed to remember they will know because Ms. Bertram came up with some crazy way to remember it. (The fifty nifty United States automatically just came to my mind!)

They are going to be fantastic. I'm jealous of these little kids that are about the walk into their first day of school. Little do they know, they are about to meet a fantastic teacher!

~Further Evidence of why I could never be a teacher... I'd be trying to serve cocktails!~

Love you Girls!

1 comment:

  1. funny that you mentioned the 50 Nifty United States. I sing that to Jackson all the time :)!!
