Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sometimes Life Makes Me Nervous

So let me just set the scene for you...

I am sitting in bed, in my monogrammed flannel pajamas, drinking wine (as my dinner), catching up on my TV shows from tonight, with Dan snoring so loudly next to me. I feel a little bit like a just worked a shift at Harry's because my feet are killing me and my head hurts. I really just want to go to sleep but I just got home about 20 minutes ago and I'm just not settled in yet... and I started to think about how at this time last night I was so nervous.

Today was the first day that I drove to work. I've never even driven into the city, I always let Dan do that. So of course for me, this was a very nerve racking thought. I know I'm one of the worst drivers in America, and when you put me into merging traffic I get so anxious. But today turned out pretty good. I made it to work on time and I only was honked at once, pretty good for the streets of Chicago.

I was very proud of myself as I walked into the office this morning, but after I checked my voice mails I once again got very nervous. To give you a little background story... Today was "buy-out" day. A client booked the entire restaurant for a private party, so it's a pretty big deal for us girls in Private Dining. The last week has been total preparation for this event throughout the whole staff and everything was going very smoothly. After I listened to my voice mails I found out that some miscommunication happened last night and things weren't going to go as planned. So what made me nervous? I was the only person in Private Dining for the next 2 1/2 hours! I think I handled the situation pretty well, but I was still very nervous about everything, especially telling the sales manager in charge of the event about the mishap. But the party was a great success. I was so glad that I stayed to see it, today was a very good learning experience for me. I definitely added to my notebook of important things about my job!

Being nervous for me is just an every day occurence... and it's over the silliest things sometimes. I'm nervous that my pants are going to need to be ironed in the morning, that I won't have someone to do my hair on the day of my wedding, and that my current savings plan is going to throw off my normal spending habits. I'm nervous about my school loan payments that are about to start and I'm nervous that my favorite person on Survivor is about to be kicked off. I'm nervous that Dan is going to pick out a silly Halloween costume for me and I'm nervous that when we are at the Halloween party this weekend I'm going to have an allergy attack because these people have a dog in the house.


But you know what, I'd much rather be worried about these silly things than big things. I'm 100% certain about my career, I'm 100% certain and so excited about Dan and I's upcoming marriage. I'm not nervous about my family or my friends and I'm not nervous about any big life decisions. So I'll take being nervous and being worried about driving to the city, going to new places, and encountering obstacles at work, becuase that's what my life is about. And sometimes it makes me nervous... but always so happy!

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