Tuesday, October 5, 2010

10 for 10

Yep, just like '30 for 30' on ESPN, one of my favorite shows. But instead of recapturing 30 great sporting events from the last 30 years, I'm going to list the ten things that I want to do in 2010. Yes, I realize that there are only 2 1/2 months left in the year... and it's been a HUGE year already, but there are some things that I just feel like I need to do.

1. Save X amount of dollars
~Dan and I received our "First Time Home Buyer's Loan" money, I started a saving account with my money, and I want to add to this. It's going to be a hard time to do this with Christmas coming and the amount of things we have planned for the rest of the year, but with careful planning I feel confident in doing it!~

2. Finish decorating two rooms in our house
~When we moved in we worked hard to paint and get all the furniture where we wanted it, we fused our belongings together to become "ours" but we haven't done much else. I just want some pictures on the wall or some nice home accessories... and definitely an entertainment center for upstairs. (My number 2 goal may hinder my number 1 goal, but we'll see)~

3. Loose at least five pounds
~It needs to be done, enough said.~

4. Join a book club
~I've always wanted to do this, and now since I have the time to read (on the train) it's the perfect time to do it, now I just need to find the time to go to the club get togethers. The only ones that I've found around home all take place in the middle of the day... come on people, working ladies read too!~

5. See my girlfriends twice
~I miss them like crazy and I just need to see them, I'm hoping we have a chance with Christmas and Thanksgiving approaching and I'd die to see them, even for a breakfast date.~

6. Learn ten new important things at work
~I learn new things every single day, but I keep a notepad of things that I think are pivotal to my career. I want to add ten new things to this list by the end of the year. With the busy season approaching, I'm sure that these new, important tidbits will unfold right in front of me.~

7. Don't ruin Thanksgiving or Christmas by being hungover
~Mom will be so happy to see this goal for the rest of the year. It's happened probably the last three years, I feel awful about it, but it's been hard to contain myself considering the day before Thanksgiving is the biggest bar day of the year... and last year the Eve of Christmas Eve was the biggest class reunion ever at The Horseshoe Inn. These aren't excuses I know, but I've spent a few too many of these holidays hungover. Not this year. I can't make any promises about the day after Thanksgiving and the day after Christmas though...~

8. Learn how to make the moon cookies, which I believe are actually called kipfulls, and the rolls
~My great-aunt Janet makes these every single year for Christmas. It's tradition, and I have got to learn how to make them this year. I keep telling Janet that I want to learn, but I never make it a point to. So Janet, get ready, I'm coming over and we are cooking!~

9. Have the most beautiful Christmas tree ever
~I've been buying ornaments for a year now, my collection is really growing, ad I'm so excited for our first Christmas tree. I've always wanted to have a themed tree so of course I've been scouring the stores for peacock ornaments. Everybody thought I was crazy when I started buying them, saying that I was never going to find enough, but you should see my box full of feathers!~

10. Take more pictures
~I've been without my camera since I was home last in August and I feel like I've missed out on so much. I love taking pictures and I haven't been able to capture anything these past couple weeks. I'm going home this weekend and I'll be sure to take my charger so I can start right away, at Dillon's 2nd Birthday Party.~

So here's my 10 for 10. On January 1st, 2011 I'll be sure to let you know how the list went... It'll be here before we know it!

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