Friday, October 29, 2010

The Windblown Week

I've been slacking, I know. I've been super busy at work and home this week, and I think that I was really just overwhelmed with the amount of posts I made last week so I needed to take a little break.

So we all made it to Friday, thank goodness. It really was touch and go there for awhile due to the weather that I've been experiencing here. I've been through sheets of rain and a swaying building. Seeing plates and wine glasses move back and forth on a table in the restaurant is always a little unsettling, but hey, we're in the windy city... on the 95th floor of a building. I should start getting at least a little used to this. Yesterday was the coldest day here in six months, and I don't think there is any turning back now. I'm bracing myself for my first Chicago winter... and by bracing myself I mean starting to layer my clothing and really get out the scarves and hats. I thought for sure I would be able to hold off onto November 1 until I brought out the winter coat... but it made it's debut today, I decided I would need something warm for the game tonight.

In bigger and more exciting news this blustery week...
I officially made hair appointments for the wedding. An extensive search of salons in the area took place and I made the final decision and booked yesterday. I gave a huge sigh of relief as I faxed over the confirmation letter. Now hopefully the nightmares will go away.

I'm officially half way to my savings goal that I made for myself about a month ago. A small feeling of accomplishment hit me when I made the transfer to my savings account this morning. I've never really saved money before in my life (I usually like to blow money on silly things...or shoes), so this is all new for me and very exciting. But, I could use a new pair of tall boots. I've really been window shopping these past couple days. I see a treat for myself in the near future!

And lastly... I'll start how this post started... It's Friday! I'm excited for the weekend. Rick and Donna will be visiting and we have a lot planned for the weekend. Round 2 of Sectionals is tonight at Munster. Go Bulldogs! And tomorrow I will be going to my first Notre Dame game! I hope I'm not disappointed, it better live up to everything I've ever seen on Rudy.

Enjoy the day!

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