Monday, December 13, 2010

Snow Day...

... For Everyone, But Me!

Dan got the call today... AT 4:45 AM, that let him know there was no school today. It was right then that I realized that I will never get another snow day! So I got out of bed, 45 minutes early, because I knew my commute would take that much longer today. Dan was nice enough to get out of bed too, clean off my car, warm it up, and drive me to the train station. I left my house at 6:20... and arrived at my desk at 8:40, long morning if you ask me.

When I called my mom this afternoon I caught her making lunch for my dad and brother. Dad had a vacation day, and John had no school, I was so jealous of the day they got to spend together, and of the beautiful scenery they were probably enjoying. This is one of my favorite pictures I've taken of Grandpa's Farm. You definitely don't see scenes like that around here.

I thought back to all the snow days that I used to enjoy. There were the times I would get stranded at Amanda's house and we would spend the next day sled riding down her driveway. There were the nights when we would stay outside with our neighbors building ramps and forts because we just knew that we wouldn't have school the next day (I precisely remember the one night we stayed out way too late, and somehow we had to go the next day...Terrible). And the best days were the days we would go to school, but got sent home early. My Favorite!

I honestly thought today... "Oh how I miss college!" My favorite was when I would just look outside and decide that I didn't want to go. I would snuggle in my bed all day until Amanda came home after her hours of class and made me get up. I saw one of the very few snow days at Purdue during my freshman year. That day was so much fun, we built the most fantastic snowman right outside our dorm, ate every snack we had between three of our rooms, watched silly TV, and played all day! I loved Duhme and I would give anything to spend a day back on the third floor! Yes, our snowman had an ipod! I'm pretty sure we stole it off of a poster from the dining hall!

So my snow days are over, and the people I love the most will always have snow days. Amanda and Jesika are already called off for tomorrow... and they only got 1" in Tennessee. We will see if Dan goes tomorrow... I hope not, I kind of liked having a little chauffeur today!

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