Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Slow Season

It's the same everywhere. You have take the good with the bad, the busy with the slow. I have really been understanding this phenomenon this week at work. Since I've started we honestly haven't had a real "slow season." This week has taken a turn, it always does during the week between Christmas and New Year's. Who wants to have a party the week between the two biggest party days of the year?

Anyway, I've been doing everything in my power to keep busy at work these past two days. Organizing everything from the past couple months because we've been so busy and haven't had time to do it. Making the new menus for the new year, sending out marketing information, and organizing my folders on my computer (something I find a lot of joy in doing strangely). I even took on the role of office gardener yesterday watering all the plants and trying to bring them back to life after the holiday weekend. Sorry, but there was no saving the poinsettia!

The biggest project I've taken on is organizing all of the floor plans that we've accumulated lately. I made the most wonderful binders separated by private dining rooms and then the type of event taking place in those rooms. I have affectionately given these binders the name "Private Dining Play Book." I guess it's the "coaches wife" mentality coming out in me. As you can tell I'm very excited about my new book and I've been studying it on the train diligently !

So I was just having a conversation with Jesika about my next two days at work and how I don't really know what I'm going to do to fill my days and this is what she came up with...

Order tickets for New Year's Eve
Make Hair Appointment
Request Thursday off and put in the reasoning line:
"because I will facebook and talk on the phone anyway, so you might as well let me do it from the comfort of my own home."

Thursday: See Jesika

Now it's a very nice thought, and I'd love to make my trip home one day sooner, but I won't. I'll go to work and find something to do. Water plants, eat snacks, take trips to the restaurant, and find something to organize. I'm excited to go to work these next two days, but I am definitely ready to go back home! But Jes, I'll try to give Human Resources the reasoning for my day off and I'll be sure to let you know how that works out!

1 comment:

  1. How about work on some wedding plans??? GREAT time to do so when no one is around. But I have to admit - I like Jesika's thinking much better! Have a safe trip back home
