Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Our Turkey Weekend

The Thanksgiving weekend came and went so quickly, I can't even believe it's almost a week since it's happened. Gaining a new family definitely adds to the craziness of the holiday season. But we managed to make it (and eat) at all three Thanksgiving Day gatherings.

Dillon was such a trip the whole weekend, telling people he wanted Halloween Candy for Christmas and rocking out on his guitar. Aunt Donna's house could have passed for a pre-school because of all of the little ones running around. I'm sure that's how it was when we were all little, it's just crazy that we are the one's having kids now.

It was so nice to visit, eat Mom's food, drink beer with Dad, and lay on the couch. My favorite part of the weekend was reading "Goodnight Moon" to Dillon and him asking me the next day if I was going to come home with him. I love him to pieces and can't wait to see him for Christmas.

"Bad Company" is his favorite song!

It was so much fun to play board games with Dan, Byron, and Justin. I grew up playing board games just for the fun of it and not really keeping score... not with these boys, they read the directions over and over before we can even start. They keep the timer on you, and make sure you're keeping score correctly. The jury is still out on if the word "pez" can be used in Scrabble, I say yes, but Justin is so against it and says that word cost him the game.

When I got to see Amanda and Jesika on Saturday night, I was so excited. We always just pick up right where we left off, drinking margaritas, and eating chips and salsa of course. I miss the girls more than anything, and it is so weird being the girl that doesn't know the stories. I used to have to listen to Amanda's stories at least three times before all the girls knew them. On Saturday, they were all new to me and Jesika was the one that could finish her sentences. I'm jealous, but I'm so glad that they have each other in their new home in Tennessee.

So through all this jumbled mess of a blog, I hope you saw that we had an amazing weekend. It was so good being home, and so hard to leave. We had a great time and I'm already ready to go home for Christmas!

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