Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Black Friday

I vowed I would never be a part of this madness, that was before Dan. The past two years I've come to love the idea of waking up early, drinking coffee, and making our way out to the stores. We like to scour the ads on Thursday and plan out the route in which we are going to take the next morning. And this year was no different. We started out day waking up early and making the preliminary look through the ads (stopping of course to see all the decorated turkeys in The Cincinnati Enquirer). The first look only entails separating the goods from the junk. After the junk is taken away we can really start looking and making lists. Our search was interrupted by having to get ready to go to our three Thanksgiving Day gatherings. But trust me, this didn't stop us. At Tammy's (our second stop of the day) the Thanksgiving Day Command Center was in full force. See everyone here (three computers and a cell phone out), looking for the best deals, seeing what time the stores open, and mapping out the trip.

After a day full of eating, and eating, and visiting with the family, oh, and how can I forget... an awful Bengals game. We hit the bed early in order to wake up and get a start on our holiday shopping. We got everything we set out to get. Dan and I finished all of our Christmas shopping before noon, and even got a great deal on an elliptical. This purchase was not really planned so getting it home was another task. We almost had to leave Donna at the store because we just didn't know we were going to fit. But this lady will do anything for a great bargain and she squeezed in with all of our packages.

As you can see we were packed to the gills. But we had such a great morning, and we ended the day (yes, at noon) drinking bloody mary's and eating pulled pork sandwiches. This is definitely a tradition that I will always love because it's just Me, Dan, and Donna... running around like crazy people, packing our car until we can't see out of it, and getting ready for Christmas.

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