Sunday, July 18, 2010

My Kind of Town, Chicago Is

So we did it, we invited our families to spend the weekend in Chicago. The Horstman, Helfer, Hartman weekend, with an itinerary and all, took place 4th of July weekend. It was a great weekend full of laughing, cocktails, ballgames, and exploring the city and just needed to be included in my blog. Not only was it Dan and I's first time to have guests in our home, it was Mom & Dad and Bert & Dave's first trip to Chicago.

Dan's family got in on Thursday and Dan entertained them while I went to work on Friday. They took an architecture tour on the river, had lunch on Navy Pier, went to the zoo, and then met me when I got off work. We had drinks on the 96th floor and enjoyed the view, it's amazing how great a beer tastes at that high of an altitude! That night we went to The Rockit Bar, which should be a stop for anybody while in Chicago. It's a really great atmosphere with bar food like no other. I had a great burger and truffle fries "The best fries I've ever had!" and Dan agreed with me on that one.

Dan and I went to the train station and picked up my family in the morning. I was so excited to see them, it hadn't been that long since they helped moved us in, but it's always so good to see them. After we took them on the River Walk we headed to Wrigley Field. Now I've only been to two other ball parks in my life. Great American and US Cellular, which are both fairly new and modern so going to Wrigley was quite the treat! We were in the last section of the park but felt like we were right on the field. There are no electronic boards telling you to stomp your feet or clap your hands, and there is no place to see the ridiculous amount of statistics that they come up with... it was fantastic. It's how baseball is suppose to be. So of course I had to eat a hot dog, drink Old Style (which is still disgusting even if you're at Wrigley) and eat cracker jacks. We had a great day at the game even though the Reds lost. That night we went to Greek Town. I absolutely love The Parthenon and every time we go there we have the same waiter. This man is fantastic and when he lights the saganaki on fire I love him even more! We had a great dinner, drank a lot of wine, told stories, and laughed. These are the best times with families and I was so happy that Dan and I had our families together at that moment.

Sunday I met my family at their hotel and we had adventures on our own. It was a great day to walk around the city, explore the parks, and stand in line for Garrett's popcorn. It was sad to leave the city with them all because I knew as soon as we got back to Dan and I's house they would be leaving to go home. But to my surprise they stayed enjoyed Gino's pizza in our living room before heading out! It really was a great weekend. I love having guests in our home and showing people around our new city! We look forward to many more of these adventures with our friends and families.

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