Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Favorite Thought During a Tough Time

Okay, usually my blogs are funny, easy to read, enjoyable stories, so if that's what you're looking for, I'm sorry. This isn't going to be it. In the past two days my mom's family has been through much more than any family should go through in a lifetime. In one split second an innocent life, a 3 year old boy, the only son of a beautiful and loving family, was taken in an awful accident. I can't even begin to imagine what they are going through and it makes me feel sick, angry, heartbroken, and helpless all at the same time.

Since I'm away from the local news and my family back at home I've been relying on the Cincinnati News websites for any information. I refuse to watch the videos because I don't want to see people I know suffer like that, but I've been reading the stories posted on the website. I unfortunately started looking at the comments that people were leaving about this story. I've never seen such awful things written in my life. The local news should not allow people to comment on stories such as these. All these comments are doing is putting blame on people and that is the last thing that needs to be done in a time like this. Blame on either side is not helping the situation. It is not helping the family be strong, it is not helping the family cope, it's not helping these four little girls realize why their brother is not with them anymore. It's not doing anything.

For two days I've been thinking about this. I didn't want to write anything, still now I am thinking about deleting this post... because it is not helping the situation. But after I read even more comments on the news websites I just couldn't contain myself any longer. I can't even begin to imagine what they are all going through, and as i was trying to fall asleep last night I just kept thinking of Beth... and how she wasn't sleeping either. But I find comfort knowing that the family is so strong and full of love and support for one another. And I pray for them.

I never got to meet Jack, but I know that he is in heaven with our Great-Grandma Lutz eating her famous chocolate cake, and that is my favorite thought of the day.


  1. Tracy - glad you posted it - I have been thinking about it too and that is what I wrote about yesterday as well. I want folks to stop judging them and pray for them to make it through this. I am sorry for them and can't imagine what they are going thru but hope to never imagine their pain. Hang in there and I am glad you wrote about it I agree the folks posting on the news sites are not right.

  2. Tracy, how were you guys related to them?? I hope you and your family are doing ok!
