Friday, January 20, 2012


Well I’ve made it to day five… alive. I only cried once, because I really just thought I needed a sandwich, and I only threatened Dan’s life twice. It was a great week at the Hartman house!

As miserable as I thought I was it really was not that awful, we made it through it and I successfully lost 7 pounds since last Sunday. This is definitely a good detox diet that I will probably use again in future after holidays, vacations, etc. But there was one downfall… This is the most expensive diet ever! Combined Dan and I were eating $24.00 worth of raspberries a day! Do you know what kind of beautiful steaks we could be getting from the butcher shop for that amount of money!! Mid-week Dan did find a grocery store that had raspberries on sale so I sent him to stock up, but still between the almonds, yogurt, and spinach we almost went broke. Good thing we were not eating out, drinking cocktails, or consuming any meat this week or the food budget would have been out the window. ManFace made the greatest point last night saying, “No wonder Americans are so fat, Raspberries will never be as cheap as McChickens or Double Cheeseburgers.” Love her and all of her wisdom!

And since we made it through it, and hopefully are in the top rankings in The Biggest Loser Competition (I’m still waiting on the results from Dan), tonight we are going to “moderately” celebrate, going out for seafood and cocktails of vodka and water, and a movie. But hey, after the week that I’ve had this is the definitely the favorite part of my entire week.

And while we are talking about favorites, here are some highlights to my food deprived week:

Chatting with Kaitlin, love that girl and so proud of her!
Taking the time to enjoy my ONE cup of BLACK coffee that I was allowed each morning
American Idol being back
After dealing with some crazy people at work this year, meeting with some really sweet brides
And my very favorite thing… being done with these five days!!

Happy Weekend!

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