Sunday, January 15, 2012


Pounds... is what my weight loss goal is. Dan and I have entered into a "Biggest Losers: Couples Edition" competition at his school, week one is complete and I'm pretty excited about the progress that has been made, pretty nervous about the next step we are taking.

I knew it would be pretty easy to lose a couple of pounds the first week because since Thanksgiving we've been eating and drinking way too much. We've been going out more than cooking in and hibernating more than exercising. Bad habits, that's for sure. So we got back on a good eating plan, quit drinking, and exercising. Not only have I lost 3 pounds this week, I've had a never ending headache and have been so irritable it's not even funny (especially for Dan), but we are going to get through it.

Starting tomorrow we are taking on a new challenge, The Cinch Diet. I've never heard of it before but after reading a lot about it I think it will be pretty doable, after the first five days that is. The first five days are called "Fast Forward." For five days I can only eat five things in different combinations. They are:


I'm really nervous about taking this on, but I am going to go into it with a optimistic attitude and know that if Dan can do it, I can do it. After the first five days there are so many things that you can eat. The hardest part will be no red meat and no diet soda. I see a lot of chicken and fish in my future.

So, I'm looking forward to my breakfast tomorrow: Scrambled Eggs with Spinach with Raspberries on the side. I'll be sure to keep you updated on my progress this week... if I make it out alive. All I know is I'm definitely going to be looking forward to Saturday!

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