Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Married Life

The past couple weeks people have been asking me, "How's married life?" I have to say, the past six weeks have been a whirlwind but life is pretty fantastic.

Yes, we lived together before we were married so not much has changed in that aspect. Dan thought it might when he asked me to iron his clothes and pack his lunch last week. I looked at him and said, "You don't pack my lunch or iron my clothes, so no." He told me I was the worst wife ever, but I'm standing my ground on that one. But I honestly think that the reason our married life is going so well is because we rarely see each other...

Between going back and forth between our home and our parent's home, school starting for Dan, football over taking his life, and my ever changing work schedule, we really just see each other in passing, when we go to bed, when we wake up, and those oh so special dinners that we get to share together.

But you know what, I don't really mind it. I think that it may be the secret to our success.

I don't know about Dan, but I know to never take the time that we have together for granted. I know not to get upset about silly little things while we are together, because I don't want to spend our time together upset. I like to turn my phone off and put the computer away when we're together, because trust me, there is plenty of time for all of that other stuff on my commute, and when I'm home by myself. And we just enjoy.

So this is what I will always have to keep in mind, as long as Dan is coaching football and I'm working not so normal hours/days. I'll keep our precious moments in mind when he goes off to watch film, when he's up to his eye balls in practice planning, and he calls me when he's supposed to be home and let's me know he still has kids in the weight room. I remember that when we do see each other it will be good when I'm riding the train at 9:00 pm at night, when I'm overseeing someone else's wedding, or when I'm spending the entire weekend at the office.

But I love the chaos, I'm thrilled with my job, and I cannot wait for Dan's first game this Friday. And of course, I love our married life. It's my favorite.

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