Friday, April 29, 2011

Champagne on a Wednesday Night

Dan's been on the job hunt for quite some time. Doing my own job search was emotional enough. I'd get so excited after every single job interview and I'd start to picture myself in that job, just to get the disappointing call that I didn't get it. Now, that was my own experience, but being on the other end and watching someone go through that was even harder.

Week after week we'd anxiously wait to hear from the schools. Things just weren't looking that great and we'd thought that he would just stay put for one more year.

Then the morning came when Dan called me at work at 8:00 am to tell me that he received a pink slip and if the referendum didn't pass he'd lose his job. At noon he called me and told him he was going to apply for a job back home, and at 3:00 pm he called me to tell me he was just offered a Head Coaching position at an Illinois school close to our house.

Talk about an emotional Wednesday! And trust me, we definitely celebrated.

We've been celebrating all month. We celebrated the night when he came home from signing his contract, we celebrated when the principal called him last night to tell him that the he was approved by the School Board, and Dan says the next time we will celebrate will be when they make it to the playoffs! I told him there will be a celebration after each individual win... he told me, "I think you just like drinking champagne!"

I'm just thrilled for him. I'm excited for our new adventures. I'm excited to start converting our spare bedroom into his office, and I'm starting to get ulcers thinking about his first game in August, but I'm thrilled.

Oh, and the most exciting part... No More Red! We're moving to a school that is emerald green, have I mentioned that green is one of my favorite colors to wear! Go Mustangs!

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